211-220 of 406 Results

Palo Santo Benefits for Immune Health and Inflammation

Burning dried wood from the “mystical” palo santo tree, and collecting its concentrated oils, have been widely used in folk medicines and by shamans (“medicine men”) for centuries. Reason being: The palo santo tree has long been thought to have special spiritual qualities. For ritual participants who observe the practice and take in palo santo’s…

9 Popular Drugs Linked to Dementia and Memory Loss

Any time you take a medication, weighing the risks and benefits of the drug is a must. And now we must ask ourselves, "Is this one of the drugs linked to dementia and memory loss?" Emerging research is finding disturbing connections between anticholinergic drugs and negative brain effects. This drug class includes popular medications used for…

Minimize Toxins to Beat Autoimmune Disease — the Detox Plan!

The following is an adapted excerpt from Beat Autoimmune, The 6 Keys to Reverse Your Condition and Reclaim Your Health, by Palmer Kippola with foreword by Mark Hyman, MD (Kensington Books). Palmer is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach who reversed her MS by removing her inflammatory root causes and healing her gut. She has…

Rose Essential Oil Benefits Skin, Depression and Hormones

The smell of a rose is one of those experiences that can ignite fond memories of young love and backyard gardens. But did you know that roses are more than a pretty smell? These beautiful flowers also hold incredible health boosting benefits! Rose essential oil has been used to treat health conditions and used in natural…

Chamomile Benefits: Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer

Considered to be one of the most ancient and versatile medicinal herbs known to mankind, dried chamomile flowers have numerous, widespread health implications thanks to their high levels of disease-fighting antioxidants like terpenoids and flavonoids. Chamomile’s vital antioxidants are found in the plant’s potent oils and are the main contributors to its natural healing properties.…

4 Ways to Cope with Generalized Anxiety Disorder Naturally

Anxiety disorders are now considered to be the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States — and many other parts of the world too. During any given year, it's estimated that one type of anxiety disorder called generalized anxiety disorder (or GAD) affects about 6.8 million American adults, or 3 percent of…

Chronic Pain Management: 6 Potential Natural Treatments

Chances are you or someone very close to you struggles with chronic pain, considering that research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in September of 2018 suggests an estimated one in five adults living in the United States (around 50 million people) struggles with some type of chronic pain. While only a limited…

Pitta Dosha: How to Keep This Driven, Fiery Constitution in Balance

Has anyone ever told you, "You're so pitta?" Not sure what it means? Pitta is one of three main "doshas" in Ayurveda. In a way, it's kind of like an ancient system of understanding (and working with) your body and personality type. If Ayurveda medicine is new to you, you're not alone. But this 5,000-year-old…

Wound Care 101: 7 Natural Ways to Assist Wound Healing

Cuts and scrapes are common wounds most of us experience here and there, but do you know the natural ways to make these wounds heal well and fast? Most minor wounds are harmless and go away after a matter of days, but sometimes they can become infected, which is why it’s important to promote healing…

4 Potential Chemical Peel Benefits and the Types to Consider

Thinking of visiting your dermatologist for a chemical peel? Then you're probably wondering if there's actually any evidence that a chemical peels is good for your skin, or if peels are really just a waste of money and a bunch of hype. Starting in the mid 1990s, chemical peels were one of the most common…