11-20 of 74 Results

Orange Nutrition Benefits Skin, Gut Health & Immunity

We've all heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," but with all of the antioxidants, micronutrients and health-promoting properties crammed inside the orange, it's safe to say that oranges may be just as effective in keeping you healthy. In fact, the orange nutrition profile contains a good chunk of the fiber,…

Green Peas: The High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Powerhouse for Weight Loss & More

Green peas may be tiny, but they pack in tons of nutrients and health benefits. Rich in both pea protein and fiber to boost weight loss and digestion, green peas also boast a high amount of antioxidants as well as micronutrients, such as vitamin K, vitamin C and manganese. Besides being super nutritious, there are…

Oregano Benefits for Inflammation, Infections & More

Although many people think of it as the herb that's sprinkled on top of pizza or into pasta sauces, oregano has been considered a precious plant for over 2,500 years in folk medicines around the world. It's one of the top herbs for healing because of its antioxidant and antibacterial activity. With powerful antioxidants and…

Quinoa for Weight Loss & Fighting Disease (Plus How to Cook It)

Often considered one of the world's healthiest foods, quinoa is a powerhouse of nutrition that offers an array of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in every serving. Interestingly enough, the quinoa pronunciation (keen-wah) isn't the only source of confusion when it comes to this incredible ingredient. In fact, although it's commonly known as an “ancient grain,”…

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath, aka Halitosis: 13 Remedies

About 30 percent of adults suffer from ongoing bad breath at some point in their lives. Bad breath is not only embarrassing, it can sometimes also be a sign of a serious health problem — although, in most cases, it’s not. Chronic bad breath — also known as halitosis — is something that absolutely nobody…

Slippery Elm: the Digestive Aid that May Aid Weight Loss & Skin Conditions

Do you struggle with constipation, diarrhea or other digestive issues? If so, it's worth trying slippery elm, an herbal remedy used in North America since the 19th century that has been shown to treat a number of digestive issues. What are the uses for slippery elm? It contains mucilage, a substance that becomes a slick…

Dyspepsia Signs & Symptoms + 8 Natural Remedies

Have you ever experienced an upset stomach after eating? Maybe it was accompanied by excessive gas and bloating? There's actually a more scientific term for this common health problem: dyspepsia. What is dyspepsia? Well, aside from being a fancier word for upset stomach or indigestion, dyspepsia is defined as "any or all of the unpleasant…

Alkaline Water: Beneficial or All Hype?

Alkaline water has gained rapid popularity in recent years among everyone from health enthusiasts to professional athletes, whether they're following an alkaline diet or just trying to get more out of their hydration. It's true that your body's pH plays a big role in overall health, and the standard American diet is typically filled with…

Low-Fiber Diet Pros & Cons & How to Follow It

For years, fiber has been well-studied for its powerful impact on digestion, heart health, disease prevention and more. However, for some people, loading up on the high-fiber foods may actually end up doing more harm than good. In fact, doctors often prescribe a low-fiber diet for certain health conditions in an effort to give the…

What Is Quince Fruit? Top 6 Benefits + How to Eat It

Although most people have never even heard of quince fruit, it's a flavorful food that has been around for centuries. Besides being a staple in many traditional forms of medicine, it has also been enjoyed since biblical times and was considered a prominent part of the diet for ancient Greeks and Romans alike. In recent…