21-30 of 74 Results

Tomato Nutrition May Help You Fight Cancer & Inflammation

Tomatoes are considered to be the most important non-starchy "vegetable" in the American diet, according to some health researchers. Why? Because of the power of tomato nutrition. Did you know that it’s believed over 7,500 different tomato species are grown around the world today? You’ve probably heard before that, botanically speaking, tomatoes are actually a…

5 Steps to Naturally Treat Low Stomach Acid

Here, I'm going to talk about natural remedies for low stomach acid. The truth is, your stomach must be highly acidic to break down the food you're consuming and for proper absorption. If you have acid reflux symptoms of any type — GERD, heartburn, etc. — or if you have a condition like leaky gut…

How to Stop Snoring: 11 Remedies That Work!

Have you ever been frustrated at your partner for keeping you up all night with loud snoring? Better yet, have you ever woken yourself up with your own snoring and wonder how to stop snoring? Despite what you may think about yourself, everyone snores occasionally. It's a natural occurrence due to the relaxed state your…

Acid Reflux Diet: Best Foods, Foods to Avoid & Supplements that Help

If you experience acid reflux symptoms — such as chest pains, burning sensations that can pick up at night and disturb your sleep, and difficulty eating many foods — and want to find some relief, you must improve your acid reflux diet and make necessary lifestyle changes. These changes include rethinking how you sleep and…

How Your Digestive System Works (+ How to Maintain It)

The Western diet and lifestyle are linked to a growing number of digestive diseases. The health of your digestive system has a lot to do with lifestyle, since it's in part determined by the food you eat, the amount of exercise you get and your stress level throughout the day. By better understanding the digestive…

Why Am I Always Tired? 11 Reasons (Plus Natural Remedies for Each)

Do you ask yourself, “Why am I so tired, and why am I always tired?” Do you feel like no matter how much sleep you get, you’re still tired all the time? Getting a good night’s sleep is important for having plenty of energy, but there’s more to the story than just sleeping well. If you’re…

What Causes Belching? Plus, How to Treat & Prevent Excessive Burping

Belching is a normal body process that allows for the release of air in the stomach. When you swallow air when eating or drinking, you’ll feel the urge to release it by belching, and burping three to four times after eating a meal or up to 30 times per day is considered normal. If you…

8 Beets Benefits You May Not Believe

Most people have pretty strong feelings about beets. Some love their naturally sweet and earthy flavor while others loathe them in just about any form — even beetroot juice. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, however, there's no denying that there are some amazing beets benefits packed into this vibrant vegetable. Besides being…

Enoki Mushroom Benefits for Heart Health, Immunity & More

Enoki mushrooms are an unfamiliar ingredient to many, including some mushroom enthusiasts and culinary connoisseurs. This edible mushroom is set apart from others due to its unique flavor, interesting appearance and impressive nutrient profile. The enoki mushroom also has been linked to a number of different mushroom nutrition benefits and has been well-studied for its…

Antioxidant-Loaded Purple Potatoes: The Healthy, Versatile Carb

Purple potatoes are vibrant, versatile and nutritious, making them a must-have for any seasoned spud-lover. Although potatoes have a reputation of causing weight gain, studies show that the type of potato you choose and how the potato is prepared could make a difference. Instead of loading up on the french fries, potato chips or processed…