421-430 of 437 Results

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Chronic back pain is a major problem for millions of adults. It's now estimated that around 75 percent of all people will experience a period of persistent back pain at some time in their lives, and 1 percent to 2 percent will suffer from serious compression of a nerve root — and another 3 percent…

DIY Anti-Itch Cream with Bentonite Clay

Itchy skin can be so annoying, with inflammation to include swelling, heat, redness and even pain. If continued scratching occurs, it can make problems worse and cause infection. When summer is around the corner, anything from insect bites from those pesky mosquitoes, poison ivy, poison oak and irritation from the chlorine in pools can cause dry itchy…

6 Natural Tennis Elbow Remedies for ‘Pain-Free’ Status

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects athletes most often, especially those that use their arms frequently and in repetitive ways, like tennis players and golfers. Tennis elbow (the common name for the condition known as lateral epicondylitis) is caused by inflammation around the elbow, which causes stiffness, swelling, joint pain and trouble moving…

Gastritis Symptoms: 4 Natural Treatments for This ‘Sick Tummy’ Problem

Symptoms of this uncomfortable condition account for more than 2 million visits to the doctor each year in the U.S. alone. This is because gastritis symptoms can wreak all kinds of havoc on people’s digestive tracts, leaving them in all sorts of pain and discomfort. What is gastritis, you ask? It's an uncomfortable digestive problem caused by…

The 6-Step Natural Approach to Treating Bursitis

What you may think is just creaky bones or even arthritis could actually be this uncomfortable condition instead. I'm talking about bursitis, a disorder that can make everyday activities seem like a chore. This condition causes uncomfortable joint, bone and muscle pains, most often in the knees, shoulders, elbows and hips. Bursitis pain is caused when…

Do You Have a Low Platelet Count? Risks & 7 Natural Treatments

Do you tend to bruise easily and have trouble stoping cuts or wounds from bleeding? Or perhaps frequently get nosebleeds or bloody gums? If so, there’s a chance you have a low platelet count. Having a low platelet count — a condition called "thrombocytopenia" — is a problem with normal blood clotting and bruising that results…

Tea Tree, Green Tea & Honey Shampoo for Oily Hair

Oily hair, or excess sebum production, is frustrating and embarrassing because it can cause hair to look unwashed and dirty, not to mention limp and lifeless. There are ways to eliminate oily hair, and it may be easier than you think. Using the right shampoo to keep your scalp clean may be sitting right in…

Most Common IBS Symptoms & What You Can Do About Them

Wondering if your recurring digestive issues might mean you have irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)? As you'll learn, IBS symptoms vary a lot from person to person and tend to come and go with stress and other lifestyle changes. Each person's experience with IBS is a bit different, and certain symptoms often seem to be stronger or…

How to Get Rid of an Ingrown Toenail

If you've ever had an ingrown toenail, you know the pain that it can cause. Not only that, but it's annoying — we use our toes in some way or another as part of our usual daily movement, and this use and constant knocking seems to aggravate the nail even more. It makes the pain more…

TMJ Symptoms, Causes, Natural Remedies & What to Do About Them

Did you know that about 6 percent to 12 percent of the adult population in the U.S. (roughly 10 million people) experiences some sort of TMJ symptoms regularly? (1) Furthermore, it’s estimated that 17.8 million workdays are lost each year due to disabling TMJ pains and lost sleep. TMJ stands for the “temporomandibular joint.” Also…