41-50 of 110 Results

High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Can Reverse Naturally

This health condition affects about 72 million — or one out of every three — American adults under old guidelines. Under new guidelines, that number will rise to about 103 Americans. This is the highly common, yet preventable, condition called high blood pressure, also known as hypertension — which is why you need to pay…

Arugula: Top 10 Benefits for the Heart, Gut and More

What are the health benefits of arugula? This leafy green is an immune-boosting vegetable that packs a nutritional punch, especially considering its tiny number of calories. Like other leafy greens — such as tatsoi and escarole lettuce — arugula salad is one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat, especially when you add other…

BRAT Diet: How to Stop Diarrhea in Its Tracks Beyond BRAT

Although the BRAT diet has been viewed as the proper treatment for how to stop diarrhea for many years, it has recently been deemed too restrictive by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This left many people wondering: What foods make your stomach feel better? BRAT diet foods are consumed after diarrhea and vomiting because they…

Cantaloupe Nutrition: The Phytonutrient Powerhouse You May Be Overlooking

What are the benefits of eating cantaloupe? Cantaloupe is a type of melon fruit that provides a range of antioxidants, phytonutrients and electrolytes that are shown to have multiple health benefits. The nutrients found in cantaloupe nutrition can be spotted in its deep, orange color. They can help prevent oxidative stress plus a wide range…

Tomato Nutrition May Help You Fight Cancer & Inflammation

Tomatoes are considered to be the most important non-starchy "vegetable" in the American diet, according to some health researchers. Why? Because of the power of tomato nutrition. Did you know that it’s believed over 7,500 different tomato species are grown around the world today? You’ve probably heard before that, botanically speaking, tomatoes are actually a…

How Much Fiber Per Day Should You Consume?

Fiber, also referred to as dietary fiber or "roughage," is a plant nutrient that is essential to good health. Should you eat fiber every day? Absolutely. Are most people getting enough high-fiber foods in their diets on a daily basis? No. In fact, an estimated 95 percent of American adults and children do not consume…

12 Bentonite Clay Benefits — for the Skin, Gut and More

While bentonite clay has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off diseases, those living in the U.S. and Europe have, for the most part, only recently become familiar with this product. What is bentonite clay used for? Bentonite clay (BC), also called calcium bentonite clay or Montmorillonite clay, is now taking…

18+ Natural Ways to Help Treat Oral Thrush

Uncomfortable and unattractive, oral thrush is both painful and problematic. It can easily be passed from one person to the next before oral candida symptoms even begin to appear. To make matters worse, there are also drug-resistant strains of candida that cannot be treated with antifungal medications. But guess what? There are safe, natural and…

30 Delicious, Nutritious Juicing Recipes You’re Sure to Love

Are you a fan of juices? I’m not talking about those sugary, sweet supermarket kinds, but rather homemade juicing recipes. These drinks provide you with massive antioxidant, fruit and veggie boosts with minimal effort — also known as a juice cleanse. That's why you want to try out the juicing recipes that are just right for…