51-60 of 110 Results

Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin, Constipation & More

Did you know that the manufacturing of aloe vera extracts is one of the largest botanical industries in the world? In the U.S., it has found widespread use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. If you walk down the health and beauty isles of your local grocery store, you'll likely see multiple products made with aloe vera.…

Osteoporosis Treatment + 7 Natural Ways to Boost Bone Density

According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, in the U.S. alone, osteoporosis and low bone mass affect approximately 54 million women and men over the age of 50. Believe it or not, that is the majority of all people aged 50 and older living in the U.S., which is why problems associated with low bone mass…

12 Cilantro Benefits, Nutrition and Recipes

Cilantro benefits are impressive, but it can be a pretty polarizing ingredient. While some love its refreshing flavor, others find that it leaves a soapy, unpleasant aftertaste. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall on, there's no doubting that it is packed with micronutrients, antioxidants and other medicinal compounds that can have a…

Is Aspartame Bad for You?

Few food additives have been studied with such scrutiny — or with more controversy — than that of aspartame. Proponents of diet drinks claim that no adverse effects have been proven and that aspartame-laced products contribute to weight loss. On the other side of the coin, a large community of health-conscious, anti-aspartame health practitioners and…

How Your Digestive System Works (+ How to Maintain It)

The Western diet and lifestyle are linked to a growing number of digestive diseases. The health of your digestive system has a lot to do with lifestyle, since it's in part determined by the food you eat, the amount of exercise you get and your stress level throughout the day. By better understanding the digestive…

Rosacea Treatment: 6 Natural Ways to Treat Your Skin

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects between 0.5 percent to 10 percent of the population, leaving people searching for rosacea treatment options. It commonly develops during teenage years or someone's 20s and then can become worse into the 30s or 40s. The cause of rosacea is still not entirely understood, though there are…

What Is a Carb Cycling Diet? How It Can Boost Weight Loss Efforts

Perhaps you’ve heard that your metabolism is a lot like a fire: If you fuel “the fire” with the right ingredients it keeps burning hotter. On the other hand, not adding enough fuel for too long will cause the fire to weaken and fizzle out. When looking for how to lose weight fast, carb cycling…

7 Natural Treatments for a Heel Spur (Plus Symptoms & Causes)

A heel spur is caused by the displacement of calcium on the bone that forms on the underside of the heel. It may be one small bony protrusion or a collection of tiny, irregularly shaped growths on the bone of the heel, which is called the calcaneum. Heel spurs are sometimes painful — described as…

Spirulina Benefits: 10 Reasons to Use This Superfood

It’s blue-green, absurdly healthy but often overlooked or misunderstood. Spirulina may not be from Pandora, but it grows in our version of that magical moon, Hawaii, along with other exotic locations around the globe. This blue-green algae is a freshwater plant that is now one of the most researched and, alongside its cousin chlorella, most talked about superfoods today. Grown around…

Castor Oil Benefits for Skin, Hair, Constipation and More

For centuries, at the first sign of illness, many parents and grandparents would immediately turn to giving their children castor oil, either topically or internally, to naturally boost immune function and speed up healing. Folk healers worldwide have also used it to treat a wide variety of health conditions for thousands of years. For example,…