41-50 of 307 Results

Don’t Shave Too Close! (6 Folliculitis Natural Treatments)

Folliculitis is a common skin disorder where the hair follicles become inflamed and sometimes infected. Dermatological conditions that also fall in the folliculitis category include hot tub rash, barber’s itch and razor burn. With more than 5 million hairs on the average human body, folliculitis can occur anywhere. It affects all ages and results in…

Turnip Benefits for the Gut, Heart, Waistline & Immune System

Well-known for its multitude of health-promoting properties, there are plenty of good reasons to add the turnip to your weekly grocery list. This versatile vegetable is flavorful, delicious and brimming with many of the essential nutrients that your body needs. It's also been associated with some pretty impressive health benefits, ranging from weight loss all the…

Maple Syrup: the Most Versatile, Best Natural Sweetener?

Maple syrup is now among the most commonly consumed natural sweeteners worldwide. What are the benefits of maple syrup? This sweetener does more than make your pancakes taste sweet. It surprisingly has health benefits, including providing certain protective phytochemicals. Similar to the contrast between whole and refined grains, unrefined natural sweeteners that are used as sugar…

What an Itchy Scalp Means & How to Get Rid of It Naturally

Do you have an itch? Some scratch their heads while giving something some serious thought in a “hmm, let me think about that” sort of moment. But for many others, a serious scratching is desired because there is a genuine and persistent itch on the head, specifically an itchy scalp. Often, we assume it must…

What Is Allspice? Benefits, Uses, Substitutes & More

If your kitchen is usually stocked with a variety of herbs and spices, allspice may be one that you don't typically get lots of use out of. While most people associate allspice with recipes like pumpkin pie, there are lots of other ways to utilize this nutrient-rich spice too, such as in seasonings, marinades, meatballs…

45 Terrific Leftover Turkey Recipes for After Thanksgiving

Turkey is a nutritional powerhouse, so you want to make sure to maximize your turkey leftovers. Banish the boring sandwiches with these healthy and note-worthy leftover turkey recipes from around the world. These flavorful and creative leftover turkey recipes break up the traditional sandwich idea and make you thankful for turkey all over again: Soups…

6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone desires white teeth, and not having them can cause embarrassment or worse. Luckily, there are ways for how to whiten teeth naturally, but there are many things that play a role in tooth color. Some people — no matter how many times they brush their teeth — have teeth stains from habits like drinking…

How to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar

If you are one of the millions of people who has prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome or any other form of “insulin resistance,” maintaining normal blood sugar levels can be challenging. Over the past several decades, these chronic disorders have swept through the U.S. and many other nations, reaching epidemic proportions and causing serious, but often…

Red Cabbage: The Disease-Fighting, Gut-Healing Superfood

Just about everyone has eaten cabbage at one point or another in his or her life, whether as a New Year's tradition or as part of the regular diet. But did you know that red cabbage is not the same as green cabbage, and I'm not just talking about color. Red cabbage, also known as…

13 Major Cinnamon Benefits Explain Why It’s the World’s No. 1 Spice

Cinnamon is a powerful spice that has been used medicinally around the world for thousands of years. It is still used daily in many cultures because of the widespread cinnamon benefits, not to mention its distinctly sweet, warming taste and ease of use in recipes. Interestingly enough, researchers have found that the spice ranks No. 1…