91-100 of 307 Results

Glycemic Index: Determining High- vs. Low-Glycemic Foods

Did you know that according to the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study, women eating the highest glycemic load diets were much more likely to develop type 2 diabetes or heart disease compared to women of the same age with the lowest glycemic load diets? This is a pretty startling statistic, especially considering the rapid rise in foods…

Contact Dermatitis: 16 Natural Ways to Soothe Skin Irritation

When an irritant or something we have a sensitivity to touches our skin, an itchy, blistery rash can be the result. In fact, virtually everyone will develop contact dermatitis at some point during their lives. Generally, it resolves without medical intervention, but if it persists for a month — or reoccurs and you don’t know…

Different Headache Types, Causes and 15 Natural Remedies

Life can get pretty busy and stressful, and the “common” headache is sometimes overlooked or masked with a painkiller like aspirin (which, especially when overused, can sometimes cause more serious health issues). A headache is a good indicator that your body is missing something – maybe you need to take a breather, drink some water or…

Intermittent Fasting: How to Do It for Weight Loss

It’s every dieter’s dream: Imagine being able to eat whatever you want most days of the week, limiting your intake for one or two days at a time, and still losing weight. This is what many people experience when they begin practicing intermittent fasting (IF). Intermittent fasting can do more than slim just your waistline.…

Is a Colon Cleanse Actually Beneficial? What You Must Know …

The colon cleanse has been used throughout history to improve the body's natural detoxification processes, restore digestive health and improve someone's overall quality of life. In fact, the use of water to cleanse tissue throughout the colon, called "colon lavage," has been practiced since as early as 1500 B.C. in ancient Egypt. What's the purpose of cleansing your colon?…

5 Steps to Kick Your Sugar Addiction

Today, I want to share with you my secrets to reduce sugar cravings and food cravings so you can kick sugar addiction. This is a chronic problem in America today. In fact, I would say the No. 1 cause of people falling off diets and something that stops or even reverses weight loss efforts is when…

15 Detox Bath Recipes to Remove Toxins & Feel Refreshed

Carving out alone time to de-stress, unwind and meditate in our busy schedule can be tough. Balancing family, work and relationship obligations leaves little time to “indulge” — enter the detox bath. Allowing our bodies (and minds!) time to rest and rid themselves of toxins is essential to staying healthy. After all, if you’re not…

How to Follow a Low-Sodium Diet Plan

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans get 71 percent of their daily sodium from processed and restaurant foods, and only a small amount of the sodium we consume each day comes from our salt shakers. Sodium is essential to our bodies functioning properly, and it's one of the nutrients we…

How to Overcome Keto Flu Symptoms

You've read about all the benefits of the keto diet: weight loss, reduced appetite, improved energy and mental clarity. But now that you've actually gotten started with the ketogenic diet, you find yourself feeling worse than you did before. What gives? This is not an uncommon scenario. Unfortunately, these keto diet side effects or "keto…

Why Is Sourdough Bread Good for You? Benefits + How to Make Your Own

With sourdough bread perhaps more popular than it's been in quite some time, ever wonder: Why is sourdough bread good for you? It helps to take a look at old-school bread vs. what we've become accustomed to buying at the store. For centuries, bread was made with only three ingredients: flour, water and salt. Today,…