71-80 of 307 Results

12 Bentonite Clay Benefits — for the Skin, Gut and More

While bentonite clay has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off diseases, those living in the U.S. and Europe have, for the most part, only recently become familiar with this product. What is bentonite clay used for? Bentonite clay (BC), also called calcium bentonite clay or Montmorillonite clay, is now taking…

The Best Essential Oils for Summer Wellness

During the summer season, essential oils can offer a refreshing and uplifting experience, and there are several essential oils for summer wellness. Here are some of the best essential oils for summer and their potential benefits: Essential Oils for Summer 1. Peppermint Peppermint essential oil provides a cooling sensation and can help alleviate feelings of…

How to Get Rid of Greasy Hair

Greasy hair is frustrating, especially if you know your hair is clean. Oily hair looks dirty and dingy, and it's usually more evident in blonde and lighter hair colors than darker hair colors. While having unclean hair can definitely cause it, greasy hair is typically the result of excess secretion of sebum by the sebaceous…

30 Delicious, Nutritious Juicing Recipes You’re Sure to Love

Are you a fan of juices? I’m not talking about those sugary, sweet supermarket kinds, but rather homemade juicing recipes. These drinks provide you with massive antioxidant, fruit and veggie boosts with minimal effort — also known as a juice cleanse. That's why you want to try out the juicing recipes that are just right for…

5+ Rose Water Benefits and Uses (Plus How to Make It)

Rose water has been used for centuries in natural skin care and beauty products, perfumes, household cleansers, and even in cooking. According to dermatologists, due to its natural antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory abilities, rose water can make a valuable contribution to your skin care and beauty routine. For example, according to a 2017 systematic review…

What’s Causing Your Kidney Stone Symptoms? Plus 5 Remedies That Work

Passing kidney stones is known to be extremely painful, which is why they can easily put someone out of work, ruin his or her week, and make it hard to go about normal activities. Of course, you want to diminish your kidney stone symptoms quickly because they’re agonizing and uncomfortable to live with, but perhaps even more…

Athlete’s Foot: Common Signs + 4 Home Remedies

Athlete's foot affects anywhere from 3 percent to 15 percent of the population every year, and it's one of the most common types of fungal infections seen in humans. Up to to 25 percent of people (one in four) will likely develop symptoms at some point. Athlete's foot has some things in common with other fungal infections you've…

24 Mouthwatering Butternut Squash Recipes

Butternut squash is like the orange-headed stepchild of autumn and winter foods. While pumpkin recipes get all the attention — I’m talking pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie cheesecake — butternut squash is often passed over. That’s a shame because this variety of winter squash is loaded with nutritious benefits and is endlessly versatile —…

Witch Hazel Uses for Skin, Hair & More

Today, we have hundreds of different beauty products available to us — acne washes, toners, scrubs, etc. — but what did people use thousands of years ago before commercial chemicals existed to help heal their skin? When it comes to natural skin care, one time-honored medicinal plant is witch hazel, which Native Americans relied on for…

Top 12 Home Remedies for Acne

Our skin is a reflection of our overall health, which is why glowing, beautiful skin often results from proper care, hydration and eating a nutrient-dense diet. On the other hand, skin ridden with whiteheads, blackheads, nodular acne and other types of pimples can indicate oxidative damage, poor nutrition and hormonal imbalances — making it all the…