71-80 of 185 Results

12 Natural Sore Throat Remedies for Fast Relief

A sore throat can come on at any time, and it's caused by a number of reasons. Thankfully, there are natural sore throat remedies that you can use at home and don't require an antibiotic prescription to deal with sore throat problems. Some sore throats can be due to a bacterial infection or strep throat,…

Barley Nutrition Facts, Benefits and How to Cook It

Although barley may not be as popular as other whole grains like oats, wheat or even grain-of-the-moment quinoa, the heath perks associated with barley nutrition shouldn't be overlooked. What are the benefits of eating barley? A very high fiber content (both soluble and insoluble), vitamins and minerals like selenium and magnesium, antioxidants called lignans, plus heart health and diabetes…

Is a Colon Cleanse Actually Beneficial? What You Must Know …

The colon cleanse has been used throughout history to improve the body's natural detoxification processes, restore digestive health and improve someone's overall quality of life. In fact, the use of water to cleanse tissue throughout the colon, called "colon lavage," has been practiced since as early as 1500 B.C. in ancient Egypt. What's the purpose of cleansing your colon?…

How to Overcome Keto Flu Symptoms

You've read about all the benefits of the keto diet: weight loss, reduced appetite, improved energy and mental clarity. But now that you've actually gotten started with the ketogenic diet, you find yourself feeling worse than you did before. What gives? This is not an uncommon scenario. Unfortunately, these keto diet side effects or "keto…

Jicama: Full of Prebiotic Fiber, It Helps Weight Loss

Jicama (also called yambean) is a type of bulbous root vegetable that many people describe as being a cross between an apple and a turnip. Originally from the Mexican peninsula, jicama has played an important part in traditional cuisines of populations living in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and parts of Asia from thousands of years.…

Perimenopause Symptoms You Can’t Ignore & What to Do About Them

When women reach a certain age, menopause symptoms begin to show themselves, sometimes even before hitting menopause. This is called perimenopause, and perimenopause symptoms can be just as challenging to deal with. While perimenopause and menopause are both natural parts of aging, and therefore not necessarily "problems to solve," it's normal and expected to experience…

Chlorella Benefits for Detoxing, Cancer & Weight Loss

Are you looking for an all-natural supplement that boosts your energy, supports fat loss and helps detox heavy metals like lead and mercury from your body? If so, a freshwater algae called chlorella may be exactly what you need. Native to Taiwan and Japan, this superfood is rich with phytonutrients, including amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium,…

Natural Constipation Relief Remedies: Foods, Supplements & Practices

Having trouble pooping? You’re not alone. Constipation is an uncomfortable and inconvenient problem for millions of people — including up to 20 percent of the total American adult population (the number who report regularly suffering from constipation despite making efforts to prevent it).  It’s estimated that constipation now accounts for over 2.5 million doctors visits…

7 Natural Sleep Aids that Really Work

Our sleep is precious time that allows our bodies to heal and rejuvenate, and without enough sleep, our health suffers. That means we must find ways to get proper rest. Unfortunately, many people either can’t sleep (which can also happen during jet lag) or don’t get enough sleep, which is where natural sleep aids come…

15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health

Whether you realize it or not, fermentation is a process that’s used to produce some of the world’s favorite foods and beverages. What are some foods that are fermented? Popular fermented foods include things like wine, beer, yogurt, certain aged cheeses, and even chocolate and coffee. One of the most popular fermented foods globally is…