Turkey Breakfast Sausage Recipe

This turkey breakfast sausage recipe is the perfect thing to start your day off right! It’s packed with flavor and protein that will leave you satisfied!
- 1 pound ground turkey
- 2 tablespoons gluten-free crackers, crushed
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
- ½ small onion, finely diced
- ¼ teaspoon cumin
- ¼ teaspoon majoram
- ¼ teaspoon marjoram
- ¼ teaspoon cayenne
- ¼ teaspoon ginger
- ½ teaspoon basil
- ½ teaspoon thyme
- ½ teaspoon oregano
- ½ teaspoon sage
- 2 teaspoons sea salt
- ¼ teaspoon peper
- Sauté onions in 1 tablespoon butter until soft and translucent.
- In a large bowl, combine ingredients all ingredients except butter.
- Form into patties and fry in a large pan.
Please keep comments under 200 characters.
Do you have to use gluten free crackers? I would prefer to not use them or substitute them. Would it make much of a difference? Thank you for sharing!
Can I use gluten free oats instead of crackers in this recipe?
I just made the turkey sausage this morning and it was AWESOME! I also made the french toast with sourdough bread and topped them off with fresh berries. This was the best breakfast that I have had in a very long time.
Would rice crumbs work instead of crackers? I am allergic to sunflowers.
I have been looking for a homemade sausage recipe for a long time and this looks wonderful.
I too can’t find organic turkey so will use ground chicken and can’t wait to make them. Thank you Dr. AXE.
I use to get the Mary’s Gone Crackers at Costco! They switch out things though…you are so generous with your recipes Dr. Axe. I too like chicken better. Where do I get fresh ground chicken? Never knew they had it!
I meant Mary’s Gone Crackers!
I use to get the Mary’s Gobe Crackers at Costco! They switch out things though…you are so generous with your recipes! I too like chicken better. Where do get fresh ground chicken?
Should I use white or dark turkey meat for the sausages?
Made these this morning and were outstanding…
more tips for loosing weight and good recipies pls.
Check this out: https://draxe.com/health/lose-weight-fast/
You can find large boxes of Mary’s Gone Crackers at Costco
I make a homemade sausage with fresh ground chicken. I like the taste of chicken better than turkey. I season it more like original sausage….1 tbsp.sage, pinch of nutmeg, tsp salt, 1/2 tsp black pepper, red pepper flakes for heat (optional), maple syrup, if you like it sweet. It’s delicious. I make it into patties and freeze. Take out and fry as needed.
Is the ground / shredded turkey already cooked ? And then formed into patties and cooked again ?
No, it is initially raw
Made this this morning! Delicious!! Highly recommend :-)
Please, please, please join twitter, Dr. Axe!!
I am on twitter! @drjoshaxe and @drchelseaaxe
Since hearing about the “pink slime” in processed beef, I can’t help but be leary about other processed meats in stores. Do you have a specific brand of ground turkey that you suggest? Thanks in advance!
Look for organic turkey at your farmers market or local health food store and ask about where it was sourced from
I use Empire turkey. Humanly raised and slaughtered. They are out of PA and are in local markets…like trader joes.
Do you use organic turkey because I can never find organic ground turkey?
Yes I do. Check your local farmers market or health food store
If you have a membership, Costco is now selling organic ground turkey.
I found organic chicken and turkey at my local supermarket – Wegman’s.
If soy makes me itch,willnthecsoybean do the same?and why does it make me itch ?allergic
It’s possible but not for sure.
Mary’s Gone Crackers, and all varieties thereof and in new packaging is available at Fresh Market, if you have one in your area. Also, have bought at our local Outpost Natural stores in Milwaukee and Whole Foods. They are the best, also as a snacker cracker w/almond butter and make the best salmon burgers. Recipe from Dr. Axe. …and, he is the BEST.
Amazon no longer offers the crackers for sale. Any other crackers that are still GF you can suggest?
You can get them from amazon here: http://amzn.to/1q7xExN
Yikes! I looked at the ‘Mary’s Gone Crackers’ using your link, Dr. Axe… sure, Amazon has them… at NINE BUCKS PER BOX!! Oh, Amazon…really? Well, people WILL pay that -just for the ease of ordering – however, one can look around and find a little better deal than that on Amazon or another site. I did so myself, and the best I saw was $4 per box, but it was a 12 pack. (amazon again) Not sure I want quite that many :) However, persistence will pay off and I will find them for less in a smaller quantity, or something comparable (organic, gluten free, etc). It’s about ‘want to’.
Can’t wait to make this! I went into the “Mary’s Gone Crackers” hyperlink and it showed product was unavailable. I’m guessing my favorite crackers from Costco would suffice. Go to this website and get your coupon too get these non GMO, wheat and gluten-free crackers; they’re the best: https://www.crunchmaster.com/products/multi-seed-grain-club-pack.aspx
You can get them here: http://amzn.to/1q7xExN
I just saw these yesterday in the organic section of Food Lion.