1081-1090 of 1111 Results

Celiac Disease Diet: Foods, Tips & Products to Avoid

Estimates show that rates of celiac disease diagnoses have risen by nearly 400 percent since the 1960s, and many health authorities speculate that there still may be a significant percentage of people living with undiagnosed celiac disease or similar problems.(1) In the U.S. and most other industrialized nations, slightly less than 1 percent of all adults have…

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Chronic back pain is a major problem for millions of adults. It's now estimated that around 75 percent of all people will experience a period of persistent back pain at some time in their lives, and 1 percent to 2 percent will suffer from serious compression of a nerve root — and another 3 percent…

Stopping Superbugs in 4 Steps

Have you heard of superbugs? No, they’re not a new horror movie franchise — they’re even more frightening. Superbugs are bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics, and when treated with the medicines, instead of being wiped out and stopping superbugs, they multiply and thrive. And these superbugs aren’t just a nuisance — they’re on the…

DIY Rash Cream with Aloe & Lavender

Rashes or hives, also known as urticaria, can be a little scary, especially when you are not sure what caused it. There are many types of rashes, but typically a rash appears as raised bumps surrounded by red skin. It may start as a burning sensation that then develops into an itch or even skin welts. Numerous things…

DIY Anti-Itch Cream with Bentonite Clay

Itchy skin can be so annoying, with inflammation to include swelling, heat, redness and even pain. If continued scratching occurs, it can make problems worse and cause infection. When summer is around the corner, anything from insect bites from those pesky mosquitoes, poison ivy, poison oak and irritation from the chlorine in pools can cause dry itchy…

Lavender and Rosemary Homemade Hair Detangler

I have heard some pretty tough stories from moms who struggle to keep their daughter’s hair tangle-free. Kicking, screaming and lots of tears have been shed in an effort to maintain that beautiful long hair. And it seems it does not end at childhood! This is a common problem for adults, too, especially swimmers. The…

Gastritis Symptoms: 4 Natural Treatments for This ‘Sick Tummy’ Problem

Symptoms of this uncomfortable condition account for more than 2 million visits to the doctor each year in the U.S. alone. This is because gastritis symptoms can wreak all kinds of havoc on people’s digestive tracts, leaving them in all sorts of pain and discomfort. What is gastritis, you ask? It's an uncomfortable digestive problem caused by…

Hyperplasia: Separating Fact from Fiction & How to Treat It

There is a lot of information out there about hyperplasia — some accurate and some not so accurate. It sure sounds like a scary term, but does that mean it actually is in all cases? Well, it certainly can be. Hyperplasia, also sometimes called hypergenesis, is a condition characterized by an abnormal overgrowth of cells, which…

Hot Yoga: Is It Safe and Can You Lose Weight Doing It?

I have had clients tell me that the idea of practicing yoga sounds great, but doing it in a room that is around 105 degrees for 60-90 minutes? Well, for many that sounds dreadful. But while sweating enough to water your garden doesn't quite sound like a relaxing afternoon, it can do more than simply provide relaxation. For…

Do You Have a Low Platelet Count? Risks & 7 Natural Treatments

Do you tend to bruise easily and have trouble stoping cuts or wounds from bleeding? Or perhaps frequently get nosebleeds or bloody gums? If so, there’s a chance you have a low platelet count. Having a low platelet count — a condition called "thrombocytopenia" — is a problem with normal blood clotting and bruising that results…