101-110 of 132 Results

Pitta Dosha: How to Keep This Driven, Fiery Constitution in Balance

Has anyone ever told you, "You're so pitta?" Not sure what it means? Pitta is one of three main "doshas" in Ayurveda. In a way, it's kind of like an ancient system of understanding (and working with) your body and personality type. If Ayurveda medicine is new to you, you're not alone. But this 5,000-year-old…

Kapha Dosha: How to Embrace Your ‘Juiciness’ and Age Well

Maybe you took your first Ayurvedic body type or "dosha" quiz and your result came back as primarily "kapha." What does it all mean? To better understand your primary dosha type, we first must take a look at Ayurveda, which roughly translates to "the science of life." Ayurveda is a buzz word popping up in…

Keto Diet and Diabetes: Do They Work Well Together?

Do a keto diet and diabetes make a perfect match? Some experts and diabetics think so! When you follow a keto diet, your body converts fat, rather than sugar, into energy which may improve blood sugar levels while also reducing the need for insulin. In many ways, a ketogenic diet seems like it's made for people…

Wound Care 101: 7 Natural Ways to Assist Wound Healing

Cuts and scrapes are common wounds most of us experience here and there, but do you know the natural ways to make these wounds heal well and fast? Most minor wounds are harmless and go away after a matter of days, but sometimes they can become infected, which is why it’s important to promote healing…

Renal Diet Foods List and Eating Plan for Kidney Disease

What diet is best for kidney disease? According to the American Society for Nutrition, "The renal diet is commonly recommended for those with late stages of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease." Many people with these kidney conditions are undergoing renal replacement therapy, also called hemodialysis, but additionally require dietary changes in order to avoid…

Are Eggs Dairy? + What You Need to Know About the Eggs You Eat

It’s one of those questions you may be afraid to ask, for fear that it’s a silly one, but it’s not a silly question. Are eggs dairy? Many people aren’t sure whether or not eggs are considered dairy. After all, eggs are often pictured alongside dairy products, not to mention sold in the dairy aisle…

Is Schmaltz Good for You? Pros & Cons of Schmaltz

What if I told you you couldn't use butter to cook with or as a spread — where would you turn? Schmaltz, a common ingredient in Jewish and Central Europe cuisine, just may be what you're looking for. Schmaltz is rendered chicken or goose fat that's used in cooking or as a spread, and similar…

What’s the Best, Healthiest Butter Substitute?

Have you ever given thought to exactly what butter is? Is butter dairy? Let’s do a little butter 101. Real, grass-fed butter is a dairy product made from cow’s milk also known as milk fat. It's composed of about 80 percent fat, which is the part that has been separated from the carbohydrates and protein…

11 Largest Nutrition Lies in the Media

You can't believe everything you hear. That truth is particularly true when it comes to nutrition lies. Each week, it seems as if a new fad or health solution is reported. These reports typically include information on a food now considered "unhealthy" or a better, faster way to lose weight. Many of the claims are…

Paresthesia (5 Natural Tips to Relieve ‘Pins and Needles’)

That burning, "pins and needles" sensation you experience when your arm or leg falls asleep is called paresthesia. While the vast majority of paresthesia cases go away once you change positions, there are underlying conditions that can cause chronic discomfort. Paresthesia can occur anywhere in the body, but symptoms are most often experienced in the…