121-130 of 140 Results

Stages of Nutrition for Babies + Best Baby Foods

According to a 2018 statement made by the American Academy of Pediatrics, "a baby's nutritional environment during the first 1,000 days of life is critical to lifelong mental health and development." We can all agree that feeding babies the most nutrient-dense foods from a young age is ideal, but it can be hard to navigate…

45 Best Casserole Recipes (Including the Healthiest Chicken Casseroles!)

There's something about the winter months that makes casseroles a go-to meal for most families. A lot of the best casserole recipes out there, however, are actually not so great for you. They're often loaded with refined carbohydrates, heavily processed ingredients and other frankenfoods. Luckily, there are some easy casserole recipes that hit the mark. These…

19 Healthy, New Ingredients to Cook With

With the new year comes a host of health-related resolutions: exercise more frequently, perhaps cut out unhealthy ingredients like artificial sweeteners or maybe even reduce screen time and nomophobia. There’s one resolution, however, that’s often overlooked, can have a direct impact on your health and is easy to do: cook more at home! In fact,…

Vanilla Oil Helps Balance Hormones, Reduce Inflammation & Prevent Cancer

Vanilla extract is widely used in both commercial and domestic baking, perfume manufacturing and aromatherapy, but many people don't realize the array of health benefits that come from using vanilla oil, even though it is not technically an essential oil. Internally, pure vanilla oil fights inflammation, works as an antidepressant and contains high levels of antioxidants…

More Than 20 Natural Ways to Ease Esophagitis Symptoms

Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus (the muscular tube connecting your mouth to your stomach). It causes pain or difficulty swallowing food and pills, and can make eating very uncomfortable. When it goes untreated, esophagitis can lead to changes in the esophagus that can make it hard to swallow food without choking. (1) There are…

Natural Chicken Pox Treatment: 9 Home Remedies

Many of us will recall those itchy, red blisters we suffered as children. Chicken pox is the common name for the varicella-zoster virus, which causes a very itchy, highly-contagious skin rash. The virus most commonly affects children between the ages of 4–10, but chicken pox can also affect adults who have never had the virus…

Is Sushi Healthy? 7 Reasons Why It’s Not (Plus Better Options)

Once considered a “fancy” food available to only a certain demographic, sushi today is ubiquitous in America — from high-end restaurants to stands at the local mall, you can find sushi everywhere. Most people also consider it a health food: you’ll often see people choosing sushi when they want a “lighter” meal, a healthy work…

How to Prevent Motion Sickness + 13 Natural Treatments

If you dread getting into a car or bus, or onto a plane or boat, because it makes you ill, you are not alone. It is believed that motion sickness symptoms affect between 15 and 25 percent of the general population. If motion sickness strikes during your honeymoon cruise, a business trip, or just when…

36 Taco Recipes … for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner!

Tacos are one of my favorite meals. Not only are they suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but there are so many different varieties. Not just the flavorless ground beef and oil-laden tortilla shells of yesteryear, today's tacos are full of variety, nutrition and flavor. If you're ready to expand your taco horizons, you'll love this list…

The Next Great ‘Grain’: 24 Millet Recipes

If you’ve never heard of millet, you’re not alone. The ancient food is more widely known in the Western world as the main ingredient in bird feed than as a diet staple, but that’s primed to change. While widely referred to as a grain, millet is actually a seed. And while birds do love it,…