91-100 of 140 Results

99 Healthy Crock Pot Recipes

For some, the crock pot is just another kitchen tool collecting dust in a cabinet. For others, it’s a great way to make roasts, chili and a whole host of crock pot recipes. Do you have a crock pot collecting dust in a cabinet? Perhaps you bring out your slow cooker a few times a…

Gluten-Free Toaster Pastry with Sugar Pumpkin Filling

Pop-Tarts (a processed toaster pastry product) are one of the most popular processed foods. It makes sense: They're ready in a flash and so tasty! But have you looked at the ingredients list? For such a small product, Pop-Tarts have a massive list of unsavory ingredients. The fantastic thing about this toaster pastry recipe is…

Homemade Honey Herbal Cough Drops

If you’ve ever perused the astonishingly large (and depressingly unnatural) selection of cough drops and throat lozenges at your local drug store, you may have found yourself wishing for simple and wholesome cough drops, made without all the refined sugar (or artificial sweeteners) and the long list of odd, unpronounceable and possibly problematic additives. Maybe,…

Marjoram Essential Oil Helps Improve Digestion & Heart Health

If you're not familiar with marjoram, you likely know its close cousin — oregano. It's an herb that has a very specific history of culinary and medicinal use, and it's often found in marjoram essential oil form. According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was a huge fan of this herb, which led to…

Reishi Mushroom: Fight Disease, Boost Immunity & Improve Liver Detox

  The reishi mushroom is an edible type of medicinal fungus that has been used for its healing abilities for thousands of years and fits the definition of a true superfood. Also known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, these mushrooms are anti-inflammatory and tied to longevity, better immune function and mental clarity, earning them the nickname “king of mushrooms.” Throughout…

Candida Diet: The Foods & Supplements to Eat (and Avoid) to Treat Candida

When it's at proper levels in the body, candida is a fungus that aids with nutrient absorption and digestion, but when candida overproduces, it can then become a serious concern that causes a wide variety of negative and serious health problems. A yeast-free candida diet is one of the best ways to reduce and eliminate…

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls with Lamb Recipe

Some of my favorite foods are stuffed: stuffed peppers, stuffed chicken and, now, stuffed cabbage rolls. You've probably heard of the cabbage soup diet but probably have never tried these stuffed cabbage rolls with lamb. You're in for a real treat. This traditional Eastern European dish gets a Dr. Axe upgrade with this recipe. Instead…

3-Day Cardiac Diet: Is It Safe? (Plus How to Eat for a Healthy Heart)

The cardiac diet — also sometimes called the heart-healthy diet, DASH diet or MIND diet— is recommended by many cardiologists for adults who are at high risk of developing heart disease. This may be because they're dealing with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or obesity, or even because they're battling an…

Cane Sugar: Is It Any Healthier than Common Sugar?

The detriments of eating a sugary diet are now widely known, yet it can still be confusing to navigate the ins and outs of sugar consumption given how many types of sweeteners and sugar alternatives — including coconut, raw and cane sugar, as well as stevia and others — are now available. Is cane sugar…

Nasturtium: The Medicinal Herb With an Antioxidant-Rich, Flavorful Kick

Nasturtium is a herbaceous plant that has been used in traditional medicine practices in places such as South America since at least the 1500s. What is nasturtium good for? Traditional uses of these plants included making teas and tonics to soothe sore throats and colds, and even using the flowers, seeds and leaves as natural…