101-110 of 140 Results

How to Exercise During a Pandemic: Your COVID-19 Workout Questions Answered

If you've been curled up on your couch on a steady diet of wine, cable news and coffee, and/or your step count is barely escaping triple digits, it's time for a reset. But maintaining, let alone starting, a fitness routine during the current COVID-19 situation poses unique challenges. Mainly: how to exercise during a pandemic.…

Choosing Your Supplements Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Sounds crazy, I know, but when it comes to astrology, my belief system is that God created the stars, seasons and times in which we are able to glean wisdom. All of these factors affect our bodies. I believe that God created these things, not to be worshipped, but as categories that allow us to…

31 Paleo Diet Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Over the past several years, the Paleo diet has become crazy popular. While I don't eat a Paleo diet, it does have its benefits. Because a Paleo diet is high in good-for-you foods like quality meats, eggs and vegetables while eliminating processed foods, legumes and grains, Paleo diet recipes can be terrific options for those with gluten intolerance or allergies…

Cassava Flour: The Best Grain-Free Baking Alternative?

Thinking of giving up gluten? Cassava flour just may be what you're looking for to help. What is cassava flour? It's a type of wheat-free, gluten-free flour alternative that's made by grating and drying the fibrous cassava root (yuca). Otto's Naturals, one of the leading suppliers of cassava flour, calls this product the "next generation…

Best 6 Types of Cancer-Fighting Drinks

Ask any expert, "What are the best ways to fight cancer?", and you'll likely be told advice such as to eat a healthy diet, exercise and avoid smoking. You're probably aware of the protective effects that certain cancer-fighting foods, such leafy greens and berries for examples, can have on your immune system and overall health.…

Molybdenum: The Little-Known Element Your Body Depends On

Even though molybdenum is in all of our bodies right now, it's not a super well-known substance. Yet it's actually very important to human health. Why is molybdenum important to life? For starters, it helps ensure proper function of certain enzyme-dependent processes, including the metabolism of iron, which is a vital nutrient that helps move…

6 Reasons to Eat Bone-Strengthening, Brain-Boosting Rhubarb

Rhubarb is most often thought of as a vibrant fruit because of its sweet, tart taste, particularly since it’s most often found in bakery-style creations, such as a rhubarb pie. But did you know that it’s actually a vegetable? It’s true, but that doesn’t make classifying it any less complicated. While technically it is a vegetable, legally…

Kapha Dosha: How to Embrace Your ‘Juiciness’ and Age Well

Maybe you took your first Ayurvedic body type or "dosha" quiz and your result came back as primarily "kapha." What does it all mean? To better understand your primary dosha type, we first must take a look at Ayurveda, which roughly translates to "the science of life." Ayurveda is a buzz word popping up in…

6 Reasons to Try Bison Meat Now (It’s Lean!)

Considered by many to be healthier than even grass-fed beef and richer in flavor (despite being lower in saturated fat), bison meat might soon become your favorite protein source. Over the past several years, the popularity of bison meat has nearly quadrupled — and for good reason. Once only sold by select farmers in certain parts of the country, there’s a…

Malnutrition: 10 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies & How to Overcome Them

Malnutrition is a serious issue that affects millions around the globe. The standard American diet can lead to malnutrition too. Believe it or not, you don't have to have protruding bones or gaunt features to be considered malnourished. In fact, many people who suffer from malnutrition can appear perfectly healthy and may not even notice…