51-60 of 140 Results

Best 101 Herbs and Spices for Healing

Did you know that there are over a hundred herbs and spices that can be consumed or used topically for healing? These natural foods possess a number of beneficial properties and work to reduce inflammation, improve the health of your heart, boost your immune system, and even prevent and fight cancer. With so many natural…

38 Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Ahh, the smoothie. It’s gotten a bad rap in the past for being a sugar-laden drink more closely resembling dessert than anything remotely healthy, but while that might be true for some smoothies purchased at juice shops, you can make healthy smoothie recipes right at home for a fraction of the price in just minutes.…

Tap Water Toxicity: Government to Limit PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water

In a first-of-its-kind analysis using data from municipal water supplies all over the United States, Environmental Working Group (EWG) found widespread tap water toxicity, including known and suspected cancer causers, in 2019. Now, in 2024, the U.S. government has finally taken action. On April 10, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that the administration…

30 Low-Carb Breakfast Recipes That Go Way Beyond Eggs

When you're going on a low-carb diet, whether it's to cut down on grains or to move your body from a "carb burner" to a "fat burner," prepping lunches and dinners is pretty straightforward. With grilled protein options, roasted veggies and big salads, you can get a ton of variety and nutrients into your meals…

8+ ‘You Won’t Believe It’ Natural Painkillers

Painkilling drugs can do wonders for patients that need them, but they also can be extremely addictive and potentially lead to serious side effects. Even acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol, affects us in ways we’re only now starting to fully understand — it makes people less empathetic — which makes it more important than…

Dangers of Heavy Metals & How to Do a Heavy Metal Detox

Symptoms and even chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity (also called heavy metal poisoning) is now considered to be a problem that millions of people deal with. That makes incorporating a heavy metal detox into your routine from time to time vitally important. Exposure to toxic heavy metals is believed to be a contributing…

45 Best Low-Carb Foods that Are Also Delicious

While low-carb diets have been shown to have many benefits, especially for those who can afford to kick a sugar habit or perhaps lose weight in order to improve their health, many are hesitant to try this way of eating out of fear of giving up some of their favorite foods and sticking solely to low-carb…

Cucumber Nutrition: Helps You Detox & Manage Weight

You may have always assumed that cucumbers were full of water but offered little other nutrients. Well, think again when it comes to cucumber nutrition. What are the benefits of eating cucumbers? As you'll learn below, they're more than just a way to make pickles or reduce puffiness around your eyes — cucumber nutrition benefits…

Sorghum: The High-Fiber, Gluten-Free Ancient Grain

The sorghum plant, a member of the grass plant family called Panicoideae, provides nutrients and much-needed calories to impoverished populations living in places such as Africa. In fact, it’s considered the “fifth-most important cereal crop grown in the world,” according to the Whole Grains Council, and the third most important within the United States. What is sorghum…

Almond Flour: The Gluten-Free, Heart-Healthy Flour Alternative

People love almond meal because it's a gluten-free flour, and it's also a great choice for anyone on a low-carbohydrate diet. If you're a following a Paleo diet or looking to bake without grains, almond flour is pretty much a must-have in your pantry as well. This flour is made of almonds and only almonds,…