121-130 of 437 Results

Gluten-Free Gingerbread Cookies: Better Than the Original

Gingerbread is a staple when it comes to holiday treats. The warm spices and sweetness from blackstrap molasses bring a delightful addition to your Christmas cookie collection. These gluten-free gingerbread cookies are perfect to add to your holiday traditions while packing some nutritional punch. What Is a Gingerbread Cookie? Gingerbread has been around as far…

Dairy-Free Eggnog Recipe

If eggnog makes the list of why you love the holiday season, then you've come to the right recipe. Eggnog is rich, sweet and creamy. Typically, those desirable attributes come from things like milk, cream, eggs and sugar in the majority of eggnog recipes. For this eggnog recipe, we're definitely keeping the eggs, but instead…

What an Itchy Scalp Means & How to Get Rid of It Naturally

Do you have an itch? Some scratch their heads while giving something some serious thought in a “hmm, let me think about that” sort of moment. But for many others, a serious scratching is desired because there is a genuine and persistent itch on the head, specifically an itchy scalp. Often, we assume it must…

30 Fast and Easy Holiday Recipes

Cooking during the holidays can be challenging. When you’re juggling personal obligations, different eating habits and maintaining your sanity, the last thing you want to think about is what holiday recipes you’re going to make for the holiday meal! Luckily, there’s no need to stress anymore with some of my favorite fast and easy holiday…

Pumpkin Seeds Help Combat Diabetes, Heart Disease & Cancer Cells

Pumpkins are an integral part of the holiday season. From pumpkin carving to sweet pumpkin spice and fresh pumpkin pie, it’s hard to imagine fall without this bright orange fruit. Unfortunately, pumpkin seeds, much like pumpkin seed oil, often get lost in the mix and are frequently discarded or ignored altogether in favor of the…

45 Terrific Leftover Turkey Recipes for After Thanksgiving

Turkey is a nutritional powerhouse, so you want to make sure to maximize your turkey leftovers. Banish the boring sandwiches with these healthy and note-worthy leftover turkey recipes from around the world. These flavorful and creative leftover turkey recipes break up the traditional sandwich idea and make you thankful for turkey all over again: Soups…

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath, aka Halitosis: 13 Remedies

About 30 percent of adults suffer from ongoing bad breath at some point in their lives. Bad breath is not only embarrassing, it can sometimes also be a sign of a serious health problem — although, in most cases, it’s not. Chronic bad breath — also known as halitosis — is something that absolutely nobody…

Lower Back Pain Relief: 6 Recommended Remedies

It's estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience persistent symptoms of lower back pain at some point in their lives, and about 31 million Americans struggle with the condition at any given time. That leaves many searching for lower back pain relief. Given its extremely high prevalence rate — whether due to a…

5 Worst Artificial Sweeteners, Plus Healthy Alternatives

Artificial sweeteners, or non-nutritive sweeteners as they are sometimes referred to, have been controversial since they were first introduced to the market in the 1950s, and scientific research shows they are associated with many dangerous side effects. Introduced to satisfy consumers’ sweet tooth, these artificial sweeteners with no calories seemed, at the time, like good…

Piriformis Syndrome: How to Manage This Lower-Body Pain Disorder

Do you ever experience shooting lower back pains, pain in your hips and buttocks area or a tingling or numbness that extends down to your feet? If so, there’s a chance you have piriformis syndrome. The good news is there are ways you can help prevent and manage symptoms to get the pain relief you…