131-140 of 3865 Results

Gua Sha Therapy for the Skin, Pain Relief & Perimenopause

Have you heard about the "botox of the Far East"? There are no needles, and you can even do it yourself. It's a natural therapy called gua sha. This ancient massage technique is now mainstream, especially facial gua sha. Considering how easy it is to find the necessary tools and perform facial gua sha in…

Hydration Tips for Runners, Including Race Day Prep

As runners, we all know that we need to be hydrated — but what does that really mean, and what happens if we fall short? In this article, I’m going to dive in to exactly what happens — both internally and externally — when we’re dehydrated. In addition, I’m going to examine the best ways…

Armpit Detox: How and Why to Do One

As we learn more about the importance of ditching conventional antiperspirants and adopting natural deodorants instead, people are eager to find products that can both help keep body odor away and not pose a threat to their health. Enter the armpit detox. Natural deodorants — made with products like baking soda and essential oils —…

Bone Broth Diet Plan Benefits & How to Follow It

The bone broth diet is a popular eating plan that combines the principles of intermittent fasting and the Paleo diet while also allowing you to take advantage of the benefits of bone broth. Fans of the diet claim that it's incredibly effective and can bring big benefits in terms of weight loss, skin health and…

The Foods, Supplements & Oils to Support Bone Healing

If you want to help heal broken bones naturally, you want to follow a very specific diet, supplement regimen, lifestyle regimen, as well as use certain essential oils and natural treatments to help your body heal much faster. Following these simple bone-healing steps can really work. Natural Methods for Bone Healing 1. The Bone-Building Diet…

Hematuria: What Causes Blood in Urine?

Has your urine ever been brownish or red? If so, you may have already experienced hematuria. What is hematuria? To simply define hematuria: It's the presence of blood in the urine. Blood in the urine can originate at any point along the urinary tract from the kidneys to the urethra. Some possible causes of hematuria…

Anxiety Natural Remedies: 15+ Ways to Relax & Find Calm

Anxiety can be a disabling condition that's accompanied by long-term stress and a decline in overall health. It contributes to many chronic diseases, even when treated with conventional medications. That's why we need to use natural remedies for anxiety and other mood disorders that address the root of the problem instead of putting a Band-Aid…

Bone Broth Benefits for Joints, Skin and Gut Health

For thousands of years, there have been traditional foods like fermented vegetables and cultured dairy that have been touted for their health benefits, but one common healing food that is now being recognized for its incredible health benefits is bone broth. It's so trendy that it's a staple of the Paleo diet, bone broth supplements…

MCT Oil Benefits for Weight Loss, Heart Health & Energy Levels

“MCT,” a healthy type of saturated fatty acid, has been linked to several important health benefits. What is MCT oil good for exactly? As explained more below, MCT oil benefits include improving cognitive function and supporting weight loss/healthy weight management. Coconut oil is one great source of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) — roughly 62 percent…