101-110 of 3865 Results

7 Kefir Benefits, Including Boosting Immunity and the Gut

Tabbed as an “it” health food of the 21st century, kefir is a probiotic drink that contains many bioactive compounds, including up to 30 different strains of "good guy" bacteria. These probiotics, such as lactic acid bacteria, are capable of helping boost immune function and fight against harmful microbes and carcinogens — plus they are often…

Top 12 Edible Flowers and Their Various Health Benefits

Edible flowers are often used as a colorful garnish for your plate, but these beauties have been used in traditional medicine for their nutritional value as well. In fact, edible flowers like lavender, dandelion and hibiscus have been consumed for thousands of years and serve as natural remedies for a range of health concerns. When…

How to Set & Stick to a Healthy Morning Routine (Plus Why You Should)

Ever hit snooze one too many times, scramble out the door and feel like you're playing catch-up all day? A well-crafted morning routine can be your secret weapon for starting your day feeling energized, focused and ready to tackle anything. In today's fast-paced world, establishing a solid morning routine can be the difference between a…

Best Supplements: Top 6 Supplements for Overall Health + Their Benefits

The definition of a supplement is "something that completes or enhances something else when added to it." Surveys show that more than half of all Americans take some form of vitamin supplement almost daily, but what are the best supplements to take for health? Supplements remain a controversial topic — some health experts tell us…

Bladderwrack Benefits for Thyroid Health, Digestion & Healthy Aging

As is the case with so many of the Earth's herbs, bladderwrack has been used in alternative and folk medicine for centuries. Now, this nutrient-dense seaweed in gaining popularity in the natural health space as a nutritional supplement. Seaweeds are known for their key nutrients and health-promoting compounds, and bladderwrack is no different. In fact,…

Benefits of Walking to Lose Weight, Manage Blood Sugar & Extend Life

When most people decide it’s time to practice some healthier habits, simply walking to lose weight and improve their health might not seem like it’s going to do “enough” to give them the benefits of exercise they're after. The truth is walking is the oldest form of human physical activity there is, and the benefits…

Worcestershire Sauce Substitute that’s Paleo and Vegan

If you’ve ever cooked with beef before, it’s likely you have a bottle of Worcestershire sauce hanging around in the pantry somewhere. In fact, the condiment has quite a few uses that you might not have considered before. But while the sauce can add a lot of flavor to dishes, you may want to steer…

6+ Anti-Inflammatory Teas to Begin Drinking Today

When it comes to immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory drinks, teas are at the top of the list. The antioxidant properties in most teas help reduce oxidative stress, and the antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties work to boost immune function and overall health. What better way to support your health than by sipping on a comforting, nourishing cup…

30 Ways to Help Break Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Ah, the dreaded weight loss plateau. You've been diligently counting calories, hitting the gym and the scale just...won't budge. A weight loss plateau is a period where your body stops losing weight, even though you're still following your diet and exercise regimen diligently. It's a frustrating experience that can leave you feeling demotivated and questioning…

Is Turkey Bacon Healthy? Pros & Cons + How to Use

If you're looking for that well-known salty, crispy bite of bacon in a sandwich or salad but know of the many downsides of consuming processed meats, you've probably wondered about turkey bacon as an alternative. Is it healthy, and with so many product options out there, which ones are best? While bacon made from turkey…