141-150 of 690 Results

Surprising Benefits of Dill Weed (Plus How to Use It)

It may make for a decent put-down when you're a kid, but dill weed is more than just a childhood insult or something used to flavor pickles. In fact, dill weed provides a surprising amount of health benefits, both mentally and physically. Dill has been around for centuries for both food and medicinal purposes. In…

Aloe Vera Juice: the Gut-Friendly, Detoxifying Drink

The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties and to improve skin and hair health. Each leaf of the plant has three layers: the inner clear gel, middle layer of latex and outer rind. Aloe vera juice comes from all three layers of the leaf, which are crushed, ground and…

Sauerkraut Benefits, Plus How to Make Your Own!

Sauerkraut, a form of fermented cabbage, has been popular throughout Central Europe for hundreds of years. Sauerkraut combines one of the healthiest foods there is (cabbage) with one of the most beneficial and time-honored food preparation methods ever used (fermentation). According to the Institute for Integrative Medicine at the University of Witten in Germany, sauerkraut…

Vitamin A Benefits Eye, Skin & Bone Health

Doubling as both an important fat-soluble vitamin and potent antioxidant, getting enough vitamin A is absolutely crucial to maintaining overall health. Not only does it play a role in keeping your skin healthy and clear, but it's also a key factor in disease prevention, immunity and even bone health. A deficiency in this vital vitamin…

Turmeric Tea Benefits for Immunity & How to Make “Liquid Gold”

Turmeric is an ingredient that has been used for thousands of years, both as a culinary staple and medicinal spice. In addition to adding a splash of color to cuisines, turmeric is now commonly found in capsule and tablet forms as well. It can even be brewed up into a soothing tea, allowing you to…

CoQ10 Benefits for Brain and Heart Health

Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is an essential element for many daily functions. In fact, it's required by every single cell in the body. As an antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of aging, CoQ10 has been used in medical practices for decades, especially for treating heart problems. Although we create some of our own coenzyme…

Cordyceps Benefits for Anti-Aging, Sleep, Exercise Performance & More

This medicinal mushroom has been a staple in holistic medicine for centuries and has long been revered for its potent anti-aging, health-promoting properties. In recent years, research on the cordyceps mushroom has turned up even more impressive findings, reporting that this superstar supplement can also enhance athletic performance, promote heart health and decrease inflammation to…

GERD Diet Plan: Best & Worst Foods + Natural Remedies

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) causes daily persistent heartburn, also called acid reflux, in nearly one in five American adults. This chronic condition, caused by inflammation and dysfunctions of the stomach, leads to tissue damage that erodes the esophagus. The good news is following a GERD diet can help treat GERD symptoms, along with lifestyle changes.…

Red Light Therapy: Does It Work to Boost Overall Health?

The year 2020 marked the 60th anniversary for medical laser treatments like red light therapy (RLT) and green light therapy, providing a host of evidence regarding their benefits. Through emitting red, low-light wavelengths through the skin, red light therapy may naturally jump-start the process of tissue recovery and other forms of rejuvenation. It's believed to…

Curry Leaves: A Flavorful & Healthful Addition to Traditional Dishes

Curry leaves are a mainstay in Indian, Sri Lankan and South Asian cuisines. There are records dating back to the 1st century A.D. that reference curry leaves and their use for flavoring vegetables. They also serve as one of the top herbs for healing in Ayurvedic medicine, used for conditions such as diabetes, infections and…