141-150 of 190 Results

Protein Bread Benefits the Gut, Brain, Bones & More

When most people think of protein, they think high-protein foods like chicken, grass-fed beef, eggs, and beans and legumes. But did you know that this essential macromolecule your body needs to build new cells can be consume through protein bread? Yes, you read that right — high-protein bread. Manufacturers all over have launched the revolutionary…

Vervain: 5 Benefits of a Versatile Herb

The vervain plant is a lesser-known herbal remedy, but it has a lengthy history of medicinal use when it comes to a variety of systems in the body. In traditional herbal medicine, it has been used to treat headaches, insomnia, depression, anxiety, kidney stones, gout, jaundice and more.  It also has been used to improve lactation…

Sugar-Free Diet Plan, Benefits and Best Foods

How much sugar per day do Americans consume? According to research done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, although Americans appear to be consuming less sugar today than in the previous couple of decades, average sugar consumption in America is still around 94 grams per day, or 358 calories. (1) That's a lot of sugar,…

6 Gout Remedies that Work

Gout is something that plagues more and more people every day, and it's caused from uric acid buildup in the body. I want to go over my top six home gout remedies — all-natural ways to beat gout symptoms — but right before that, go over the diet that is crucial to get rid of…

End Discomfort & Pain from Gout Symptoms

If you awaken from a sound sleep to excruciating joint pain in your big toe, you may be experiencing one of several gout symptoms. (1) Gout is on the rise in America, affecting millions of people each year. In fact, the latest research, from 10 years ago, found that the rates of gout doubled in 20 years…

Gallbladder Symptoms, Causes of Pain & Risk Factors

In one way or another, gallbladder pain is almost always caused by one particular gallbladder problem: gallstones. Around 10 percent to 20 percent of the total adult population (up to 40 percent in some age groups) is believed to have at least mild to moderate gallstones. The incidence of gallbladder symptoms rises with age, so those…

Crohn’s Disease Symptoms, Risk Factors + How to Treat

It's estimated that 1.4 million Americans (around 0.5 percent of the U.S. population) suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), whether in the form of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. (1) Crohn's disease is a type of IBD characterized by inflammation of the lining of the GI (gastrointestinal, or digestive) tract, abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and…

7 Natural Diabetic Neuropathy Treatments that Work

Diabetes itself is extremely common, affecting about one in every three adults in the U.S., and diabetic neuropathy is one of the most likely complications to develop as a side effect because high blood sugar levels affect nerve fibers throughout the body. Neuropathy is a pathological condition that encompasses more than 100 different forms and manifestations…

How to Get Rid of Nausea: 6 Home Remedies + Extra Tips

We have all felt it at some point in our lives — that “weird” feeling in the stomach that slowly rises and leaves you feeling hot, lightheaded and downright uncomfortable. Nausea isn’t pleasant, and it can be brought on by a number of factors, both psychological and physical in origin, so wouldn’t it be useful…

8 Natural Ways to Overcome Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Over 6 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, and 90 percent of fibromyalgia sufferers are women. It's still up for debate why far more women get fibromyalgia than men. Some healthcare professionals claim it's due to decreased serotonin levels in the brains of women. Unfortunately, people suffering from fibromyalgia struggle with pain, fatigue, depression and other common…