191-200 of 325 Results

5:2 Diet: Guide to How It Works, Meal Plan, Benefits & More

The 5:2 diet is one of the most flexible eating plans on the planet, requiring dieters to cut calories just two days out of the week. It also doesn't come with a long list of rules or regulations, making it a great choice for those looking for a bit of wiggle room with their diet.…

Dopamine: Function, Deficiency & How to Naturally Boost Levels

How often do you think about the more than 80 billion neurons in your brain? The continuously work together, communicating with the help of neurotransmitters, or chemical messengers. These important messengers play a key role in our day-to-day body functions, and of these messengers, dopamine is the most extensively researched. Dopamine is responsible for several…

What Is the Zone Diet? Meal Plans, Benefits, Risks & Reviews

Originally designed to control inflammation by switching up your meal plan, the Zone Diet is a popular fad diet that claims to help slow aging, reverse disease and bump up fat-burning. Like similar weight loss regimens, it involves changing the macronutrient composition of your diet and prioritizing nutritious, minimally processed ingredients like fruits, veggies, lean…

Best Nutrition for Kids: Guidelines, Foods and Vitamins

There's no doubt that food plays a key role in the health of children. In fact, ensuring the best nutrition for kids can help promote growth and development, support immune function and set long-term healthy eating habits. Conversely, a diet high in nutrient-poor processed foods, added sugars and trans fats can increase the risk of…

Vegan Diet Beginner’s Guide and Food List

Vegans choose to avoid eating all animal products for a combination of reasons, which typically include better health, increased weight loss, protection against chronic disease or environmental and ethical concerns. In contrast, the average American consumes more than 200 pounds of meat and poultry each year, which is about three times the global average. In…

Tapeworm Symptoms to Watch & Natural Tapeworm Treatments

More than 100 million cases of tapeworm infections occur globally every year. (1) Tapeworm infections affect the intestines of humans and occur when people eat raw or undercooked, contaminated animal foods. They can even affect other organs in rare instances, including the brain. Surprisingly, tapeworms don’t always cause any noticeable symptoms at all. However when…

IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) Guide to Lose Weight

IIFYM is a flexible diet that doesn't set rules or restrictions on your food choices. By simply manipulating your macronutrient intake, IIFYM can help you lose or gain weight, depending on your goals. Not only is IIFYM simple and easy to follow, but it can also help promote accountability and awareness about your food choices.…

The Warrior Diet: Reviews, Meal Plan, Pros & Cons

The Warrior Diet is a form of intermittent fasting that is based on the diet of ancient warriors and is believed to help improve weight loss, strength, vitality and health. Although it has a much shorter eating window than other forms of fasting, it's appealing to many dieters because it allows you to consume small…

How to Eat An Anti-Cancer Diet: 6 Steps

While we've done articles about cancer-causing foods that you want to make sure you're NOT eating, I wanted to discuss some simple anti-cancer solutions you can incorporate into your diet. For example, I'll explain ways to improve your body's ability to detoxify, and list some of the top cancer-fighting foods, drinks, herbs and supplements. 1. Lower…

Is Wild Rice the Best Rice of All? Learn How to Cook

You may equate wild rice with lower-quality rice, but the truth is that this less common rice actually provides numerous health benefits. For starters, it's slightly higher in protein than most whole grains and is a good source of fiber, folate, magnesium and a slew of other beneficial nutrients. Plus, like black rice, it's better…