201-210 of 304 Results

Ashitaba: A Traditional Leafy Green with an Impressive Nutrition Profile

Ashitaba, a green leafy plant, has been consumed for its medicinal benefits for over 400 years. This Japanese herb is packed with nutrients, including a variety of antioxidant called chalcones. Although research on the plant is limited, it was used in traditional medicine to combat a range of health issues, from arthritis and infections to…

What Is EGCG? Benefits, Dosage, Safety & Top Foods/Drinks

Ever wonder why drinking green tea and other teas has been linked to longevity— not to mention cognitive health, protection against cardiovascular disease and much more? One reason is because of EGCG, a type of polyphenol antioxidant found in a variety of tea leaves. Polyphenols like EGCG have been shown to have free radical-scavenging abilities…

Chrysanthemum Tea: An Antioxidant Drink to Boost Your Health

Mums may remind you of autumn gardens, but did you know that chrysanthemum tea has been consumed in Asia for hundreds of years? If you love drinking dandelion tea for its antioxidant properties, you may want to give "mum flower tea" a try, too. This pleasant, aromatic tea is made from the flowers of the…

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Celery

Whether in soups, vegetable trays or topped with peanut butter, most people at least occasionally consume celery in one way or another. That’s a good thing, because the benefits of celery — not to mention celery seed — include that it's high in antioxidants and beneficial enzymes, as well as fiber and certain vitamins and…

Top 17 Citrus Fruits and Their Health Benefits

Citrus fruits are well-known for their signature scent and flavor. But in addition to bringing a tangy taste to dishes and desserts, citrus fruits are also brimming with important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In fact, recent research has found that these citrusy superfoods could offer a range of impressive health benefits. From fighting cancer growth…

Bamboo Shoots Nutrition Benefits Digestion, Cholesterol & More

Bamboo shoots are a common ingredient in Asian cuisine. Not only are they great for boosting the flavor and texture of nearly any dish, but they are also highly nutritious, packing a good amount of fiber, potassium, manganese and antioxidants into each serving. They are also low in carbs, making them a great choice for…

Top 13 Foods that Lower Blood Pressure

Regardless of location or income level, the leading cause of death worldwide is heart disease. (1) One of the most common conditions leading to heart disease and stroke (the No. 2 killer) is the all-too familiar issue of high blood pressure. A shocking one in three individuals in the United States has high blood pressure. (2)…

Yarrow Uses for Wounds, Inflammation and Digestion

Yarrow, a flower in the sunflower family that's closely related to chamomile and chrysanthemum, has been used since ancient times by cultures around the world. Traditionally, it’s been consumed as tea, applied to the skin or even cooked with in order to reduce inflammation (especially in the digestive tract), help treat skin wounds, and relieve…

Top 8 Bee Pollen Benefits (No. 7 Is Remarkable)

Did you know that bee pollen contains almost all of the nutrients required by the human body to thrive? That's why the German Federal Board of Health has officially recognized it as a medicine. Bee pollen is wonderful for natural allergy relief and is responsible for the many health benefits of raw honey. It's rich in vitamins, minerals,…

Are Microwaves Safe? How Food Is Affected, Plus Safety Tips

Most of us have microwave ovens in our homes and use them several times a week. They're convenient and allow us to reheat leftovers within minutes. But many people wonder: Are microwaves safe? Like the recently popular air fryer, the microwave oven is valued by many because of its ease of use. It does make…