211-220 of 236 Results

What Kind of Leaky Gut Test Should You Take?

Think you might have leaky gut syndrome, causing you to experience symptoms like arthritis, fatigue, headaches and mood changes? If so, you should strongly consider taking a leaky gut test. Many health and nutrition experts agree that to a large extent, health really begins in your gut. Why? A large portion of your immune system…

Postbiotics: Uses + 5 Benefits for Gut Health & Beyond

While knowledge about the benefits associated with probiotics has exploded over the past decade, many people are still unsure about how prebiotics and postbiotics work. Probiotics are the "good" (or "friendly") bacteria that colonize the digestive system and support many functions of the immune system. Prebiotics essentially feed probiotics, helping them survive and reproduce through the…

Are You at Risk for Antibiotic Resistance?

Using hand sanitizers like they're going out of style (unfortunately, they're not) and popping antibiotics at the very first sign of an illness. Yes, without knowing it, many people practice antibacterial overkill. Although the dangers of antibiotics are becoming more known today, many people remain confused or misinformed about when and when not to take prescription…

How to Thicken Hair Naturally

Do you how to naturally thicken your hair? And also get healthier-looking skin and thicker, strong nails? This is something I actually get questions about pretty frequently, so I’m going to go over the best foods, the best personal care products and the best supplements to take when it comes to having healthy skin, hair and…

8 Natural Fixes for Cradle Cap

You notice a patch of skin on your newborn baby's head that looks odd and unattractive. What could have caused your perfect little one to have this imperfection? Did you do something to cause this unsightly patch? Before you become alarmed, especially if you're new to the parental world, your baby is most likely experiencing…

5 Danger Foods You’re Consuming on a Regular Basis

Hippocrates, the founder of modern medicine and the food is medicine concept, once said, "All disease begins in the gut." Today, more than ever, we know this is true as we hear scientists connecting disease after disease to microbiome disruption. This assault on your gut — largely triggered by eating danger foods — often leads to a…

Marigolds: Top 11 Uses for the Skin, Eyes and More

You've likely seen brightly orange-colored marigolds in flower or vegetable gardens many times before, but did you know that certain species of marigold flowers actually have many impressive health benefits as well? A particular species of marigold flower, Calendula officinalis (commonly just called calendula or "pot marigold"), is used to make healing herbal ointments, teas, tinctures and topical…

Dairy-Free Diet Benefits (and 6 Dairy Alternatives)

Did you know that the first adverse reaction to cow's milk was actually detailed 2,000 years ago? Hippocrates described the first adverse reaction to cow's milk as skin and gastrointestinal symptoms after consumption. Today, cow's milk is among the first foods introduced into an infant's diet, and accordingly, it's one of the first and most common…

Sea Buckthorn Oil: The Ancient Greek Oil that Fights Major Diseases

Despite its name, you don't find sea buckthorn oil in the sea, but you may want to consider making this oddly named wonder oil part of your daily supplementation. Sea buckthorn oil is extracted from the berries and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant, and both the berries and seeds are great for the skin and…

Find Poison Oak Rash Relief with These 5 Natural Treatments

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, "A rash from poison ivy, oak, or sumac usually lasts one to three weeks. Most rashes will go away without treatment." (1) While your rash may heal on its own, it's still likely to be itchy and uncomfortable during the process — sometimes even severely, depending on how allergic you…