201-210 of 236 Results

Pruritus Causes + 5 Natural Treatments for Itchy Skin

Pruritus, or skin itching, is a common skin problem associated with many different diseases — some of which only affect the skin and others that stem from underlying conditions affecting the whole body. Almost everyone will deal with skin itchiness, dryness and irritation at some point, but what makes pruritus different is its intensity and…

Natural Poison Sumac Prevention & Treatment

If you spend time along rivers or lakes in the southern or northeastern parts of the U.S., be sure to watch out for poison sumac. Poison sumac is considered a much rarer plant compared to poison ivy (but it is more poisonous). So depending on where you live, you probably have much less of a…

French Fries Calories: 9 Reasons to Avoid This Fast Food Favorite

A staple in many American homes, the simple French fry is a tasty side dish that can help you to feel full. But have you ever looked at French fries calories and nutrition profile? Whether or not French fries are good for you is a complex question. For example, if you want to know if…

6 Grapefruit Seed Extract Benefits You Won’t Believe

When you eat a grapefruit, what do you do with the seeds? I'm guessing you spit them out or remove them from the start. What if I told you that those grapefruit seeds, particularly in grapefruit seed extract (GSE) form, actually might hold a wealth of health benefits. This makes sense, considering grapefruit benefits include weight loss,…

Gotu Kola May Help Boost Memory & Mood + More Benefits

Also commonly referred to as centella, Asiatic pennywort or Indian pennywort, gotu kola is a versatile herb that goes by many names. Plus it boasts just as many health benefits. Gotu kola grows in the wetlands of Asia. It's native to China, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and South Africa. For centuries, the leaves and stems…

DIY Moisturizer for Oily Skin with All-Natural Ingredients

Moisturizing your face regularly is important, but what about oily, acne-prone skin? While many worry about using oils on oily skin, there are some options that can actually make a huge difference, especially if your skin is acne-prone. It's just about choosing the right ingredients — such as those in my moisturizer for oily skin…

Ease Your Baby’s Teething Symptoms with 6 Natural Remedies

All babies have to go through it, but, unfortunately, teething is a common cause of temporary pain and suffering during a baby's early stages of life. Because not every baby's temperament is the same, babies can show a variety of signs and symptoms as they pass through the different stages of physical development. Parents often feel…

9 Health Benefits of Juniper Berries

Have you ever tasted berries that aren’t berries — berries that are actually used as a spice? Are you still with me? Good, because I'm talking about antioxidant-rich and heart-healthy juniper berries. Juniper berries traditionally have been used to “detoxify” the body and promote healthy digestion and skin health, among many other things. And the…

What Is the Wheat Belly Diet Plan?

According to research conducted by the the United States Department of Agriculture, people in the U.S. consume about 500 more calories today than they did 40 years ago — and a whopping 92 percent of the increased per capita caloric intake is attributable to processed grains, oils and other fats dominating most Americans' diets. Surveys show…

Solar Eclipse 2017: How to Safely View It

There’s something special about witnessing an infrequent natural phenomenon and here, in the U.S., we have an exciting one: a total solar eclipse! Solar Eclipse 2017 Details On Monday, August 21, 2017, the continental U.S. will be directly in the path of a total solar eclipse, the first that’s been visible in the upper 48…