181-190 of 236 Results

14 Cedarwood Essential Oil Uses for Wisdom, Beauty & More

Who knew that the oil from a tree could be so beneficial to your health and wellness? Surprisingly, cedarwood essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antifungal, tonic, astringent, diuretic, sedative and insecticidal properties. (1) It’s no wonder why cedars are so often mentioned in the Bible, symbolizing a source of protection, wisdom and abundance. (2) These impressive characteristics…

11 Juniper Berry Essential Oil Uses + Benefits

Juniper berry essential oil typically comes from the fresh or dried berries and needles of the Juniperus communis plant species. Known as a powerful detoxifier and immune system booster, juniper berry plants originate from Bulgaria and have a long history of naturally helping prevent both short- and long-term illnesses. Juniper berries themselves are high in flavonoid and…

Pityriasis Rosea: 6 Natural Ways to Treat ‘Christmas Tree’ Rash

Have you ever experienced the Christmas tree rash? If not, you may have never even heard of it, but it's actually quite common and can be experienced by anyone of any age. So why the alternative name "Christmas tree rash" to describe the skin disease pityriasis rosea? It's because the rash patches on the back commonly…

Do You Have SIBO Symptoms? Here Is ALL You Need to Know!

Millions of Americans suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms and distress each year. Diagnoses of leaky gut syndrome, Crohn’s and celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) continue to grow, and researchers still can't quite put their fingers on why our digestive systems are under attack. Recently, researchers have started to acknowledge there's another digestive disorder lurking: small intestinal bacterial…

Essential Oil Safety (and Are Essential Oil Diffusers Safe?)

Essential oils have been shown in studies to have very few negative side effects or risks when they are used as directed. But given how popular essential oils have become in recent years, and how many different brands of oils are now available, it's not surprising that there's some growing concerns regarding essential oil safety.…

Gentian Root: The Ancient Herb that Aids Digestion, Wound Healing & More

Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a bitter herb that has been used in traditional systems of medicine practiced throughout Europe for over 2,000 years. As a liver tonic and digestive aid, it also has a long history of use in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). What is gentian root used for today? Many of this…

77 Coconut Oil Uses: for Food, Body & Skin Care, Household + More

Coconut oil might just be the most versatile health food on the planet, so much so that I consider it a top superfood. Not only is it my favorite cooking oil, but coconut oil uses are numerous and can extend to being a form of natural medicine, be used for natural beauty treatments and so…

Pellagra (+ 5 Natural Ways to Treat Niacin Deficiency)

Pellagra is niacin deficiency. This means your body doesn’t have enough niacin or is unable to use the niacin it does have. Niacin is a B vitamin that is essential for your health. Pellagra may also develop if you do not have enough tryptophan in the diet. In most cases, pellagra is easily reversed with…

Xerosis: How to Get Rid of Dry Skin 5 Natural Ways

During the cold winter months, surveys show that most American adults struggle with excessively dry skin (also known as xerosis). (1) But many people experience dry skin all year round, not just when the outside temperatures dip and humidity levels plummet. This issue is about far more than just cosmetics and appearance. Your skin is…

Top 5 Anti-Aging Oils, Including Top Essential & Carrier Oils

There are many great uses for essential oils, including helping to combat aging of the skin. This is a benefit that most people are looking for these days and essential oils are a natural yet highly effective way to age slower and look younger on a consistent basis. I'm about to tell you about some highly impressive, all-natural, anti-aging…