271-280 of 304 Results

Benefits of Red Wine for the Heart, Body & Mind

Have you ever heard of the French paradox? It's a well-researched phenomenon that refers to people who live in certain parts of France where red wine is commonly consumed during meals having fewer cases of death from coronary heart disease, even though these people live a lifestyle that's considered to have higher risks than those…

Chickpeas Nutrition Benefits the Gut, Heart & More

Chickpeas, also called garbanzo beans, are one of the oldest consumed crops in the world. In fact, they have been a part of certain traditional diets for over 7,500 years, and it's not hard to see why when you take into account the benefits of chickpeas nutrition. Today, chickpeas remain one of the most popular legumes…

Top 5 Anti-Aging Oils, Including Top Essential & Carrier Oils

There are many great uses for essential oils, including helping to combat aging of the skin. This is a benefit that most people are looking for these days and essential oils are a natural yet highly effective way to age slower and look younger on a consistent basis. I'm about to tell you about some highly impressive, all-natural, anti-aging…

Is Truffle Oil Good for You? Top 6 Benefits of Truffle Nutrition

Though once limited to the menus of high-end eateries and gourmet restaurants, truffle oil is now a common ingredient found in kitchen pantries across the globe. It's enjoyed by many as a simple way to amp up the flavor of everything from pasta dishes to risottos and beyond — much like olive oil. Although many…

Citron Fruit Benefits Immunity, Heart Health & More

There's no doubt that citrus fruits are good for you. Fruits like oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit top the charts when it comes to their antioxidant content, nutritional profile and natural health-promoting properties. But have you ever heard of citron fruit? This incredible citrus fruit is one of the earliest citrus varieties ever cultivated, and…

Cassia Oil Improves Circulation, Arthritis & Depression

Cassia is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It's an evergreen tree native to China and Burma. Cassia is commonly known as Chinese cinnamon, and its scientific name is Cinnamomum cassia. Cassia essential oil, or cassia bark oil, is derived by steam distillation of the cassia bark, leaves and twigs. Cassia is…

10 Antinutrients to Get Out of Your Diet … and Life

Are you confused about what antinutrients are, where they’re found and if they’re actually a real threat? Antinutrients are natural or synthetic compounds found in a variety of foods — especially grains, beans, legumes and nuts — that interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They can even get in the way…