281-290 of 304 Results

Nux Vomica: Learn the Dangers of the ‘Vomiting Nut’

What is nux vomica? Well, there is a Nux Vomica band, but I'm talking about nux vomica as in the homeopathic medicine that — despite known dangers — is used for a range of common problems like motion sickness, headaches and menopause symptoms to more serious concerns like lung, eye and circulatory diseases. (1) Nux vomica is…

Edible Food Parts You Never Knew You Could Eat

Across America, food "scraps" are often trimmings, skins and seeds tossed in the garbage. But as I started investigating these "waste products," I quickly found many of these actually serve as edible food parts with robust nutrition. In fact, many ancient cultures, including Chinese medicine and Native American remedies, tapped the healthy compounds in some of…

The Best Lactation Cookies Recipe to Support Milk Supply

Have you ever heard of lactation cookies? Maybe you've seen them for sale in the baby food aisle and were curious about how a cookie can possibly improve your milk production. It turns out, many women turn to foods and herbs to help increase their milk supply. Fenugreek and blessed thistle are two of the…

Devil’s Claw Benefits for Pain & Inflammation

Many are rethinking their stance on traditional painkillers because of the many side effects of these medications. Instead, they're choosing to relieve pain through natural methods. For people suffering from arthritis and other forms of joint or back pain, this is where devil's claw benefits come in. Devil’s claw is one of the most frequently…

Gotu Kola May Help Boost Memory & Mood + More Benefits

Also commonly referred to as centella, Asiatic pennywort or Indian pennywort, gotu kola is a versatile herb that goes by many names. Plus it boasts just as many health benefits. Gotu kola grows in the wetlands of Asia. It's native to China, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and South Africa. For centuries, the leaves and stems…

5 Horehound Respiratory & Digestive Benefits

For centuries, people all over the world have used horehound (Marrubium vulgare) to naturally treat respiratory conditions. In recent times, some of the top makers of herbal cough drops and cough syrup include horehound in their formulations, which is no surprise since it is said to be one of the oldest known cough remedies! This is…

9 Health Benefits of Juniper Berries

Have you ever tasted berries that aren’t berries — berries that are actually used as a spice? Are you still with me? Good, because I'm talking about antioxidant-rich and heart-healthy juniper berries. Juniper berries traditionally have been used to “detoxify” the body and promote healthy digestion and skin health, among many other things. And the…

Prevent & Treat MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) Naturally

It's very common, and even considered "normal," to experience some lapse in memory and mood changes as you age. For some older people, however, forgetfulness and changes in thought processing becomes more serious due to alterations that take place in the brain. When an older adult doesn't meet the criteria for dementia, but does display noticeable…

Beef and Quinoa Stuffed Bell Peppers

I love cooking with bell peppers because they are extremely versatile and chock-full of essential nutrients. In fact, one serving of my stuffed bell peppers recipe contains way over 100 percent of your recommended daily value of vitamin C! That means that this recipe, while tasting delicious, is working to boost your immunity system, skin and…

Marigolds: Top 11 Uses for the Skin, Eyes and More

You've likely seen brightly orange-colored marigolds in flower or vegetable gardens many times before, but did you know that certain species of marigold flowers actually have many impressive health benefits as well? A particular species of marigold flower, Calendula officinalis (commonly just called calendula or "pot marigold"), is used to make healing herbal ointments, teas, tinctures and topical…