311-320 of 353 Results

Dairy-Free Diet Benefits (and 6 Dairy Alternatives)

Did you know that the first adverse reaction to cow's milk was actually detailed 2,000 years ago? Hippocrates described the first adverse reaction to cow's milk as skin and gastrointestinal symptoms after consumption. Today, cow's milk is among the first foods introduced into an infant's diet, and accordingly, it's one of the first and most common…

Personalized Diet Plans: Are They All They’re Cracked Up to Be?

The most startling about trying a new diet plan is just how much trial and error finding the right one can take. At a time when it seems everything can be tailored to our specific interests and needs, from what’s offered on television to what books we might enjoy reading, diet plans still seem decidedly impersonal.…

Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Follow

Despite what you might have heard, a raw food diet is not another "fad diet" as we normally think of one. In fact, some experts on raw diets say that they're essentially the opposite: "anti-diets" and more like a lifestyle that simply promotes eating more real foods in their natural state. A raw food diet,…

Gluten-Free Beer + Other “Healthy” Beer Options

You've heard about the health benefits of red wine before, but you may be wondering about beer nutrition facts as well. For those of you who think that beer is bad for you, you'll be surprised to find out that many studies suggest that light-to-moderate consumption of beer can boost your heart health, reduce your risk…

25 Pre-Workout Snacks for a Major Energy Boost

Do you find yourself losing steam halfway through your workout or wrapping up a gym session feeling completely wiped out? Your pre-workout snack might be to blame. See, what you chow down on before exercising not only helps fuel your body to keep you motivated throughout your workout, but it also assists in both your…

Frozen Shoulder Exercises + Natural Treatment

Frozen shoulder (also referred to as adhesive capsulitis) is a condition often diagnosed when someone experiences ongoing shoulder stiffness and pain that lasts at least several weeks at a time. It's most likely to develop when inflammation increases around the shoulder due to shoulder immobility or problems stretching and flexing the shoulder normally. This commonly occurs when someone is recovering…

Is an Acai Berry Cleanse Good for You? Separating Fact from Fiction

Are you concerned about the buildup of toxins in your system from the chemicals you’re exposed to on a regular basis? Then you may have heard of the potential benefits of doing an acai berry cleanse. Detoxes and cleanses are tricky subjects, so make sure you are very informed before beginning this kind of regimen,…

End Discomfort & Pain from Gout Symptoms

If you awaken from a sound sleep to excruciating joint pain in your big toe, you may be experiencing one of several gout symptoms. (1) Gout is on the rise in America, affecting millions of people each year. In fact, the latest research, from 10 years ago, found that the rates of gout doubled in 20 years…

Cauliflower Recipes — the Go-to Keto & Paleo Veggie

First there was quinoa, then it was kale. This year, however, it's all about the cauliflower. This unassuming vegetable often gets passed over for veggies of a brighter hue, like broccoli, or leafy greens like spinach. Often boiled to mush and force-fed onto children by their parents, cauliflower hung out on the sidelines until recently, when we…

How Do We Lower the Mortality Rate? Eat Better — A Lot Better

Most of us know how important eating right is for our health. More fruits, vegetables, blah blah blah — after awhile, all the food recommendations can start to feel like background noise. But now, a mind-blowing study has discovered that nearly half of all U.S. deaths in 2012 were caused by cardiometabolic diseases associated with suboptimal eating…