3591-3600 of 3865 Results

Triclosan: Is this Hazardous Toxin in Your Toothpaste?

Triclosan is a "super chemical" meant to fight the spread of germs, but with the emergence of drug-resistant superbugs, the question is whether it really fights the good fight or just creates bigger problems. The answer is pretty straightforward. Triclosan is a major player when it comes to the problem of antibiotic resistance, which is…

Atrial Fibrillation (+ 6 Natural Ways to Help Treat ‘A-Fib’ Symptoms)

Atrial fibrillation (also called AF or "A-fib" for short) is a heart condition that causes the heart to beat in an irregular, sometimes rapid rhythm that can result in poor circulation and other cardiovascular problems. While some people are totally unaware that they have atrial fibrillation and feel no symptoms at all, others experience symptoms…

Hydrating Lavender and Rose Water Toner

Skin and facial toners are very helpful in a healthy, natural skin care regimen because they can balance the skin’s pH and help it heal, largely from beneficial ingredients such as antioxidants and humectants that it may contain. I have developed an awesome DIY hydrating lavender and rose water toner that you are going to…

Grain-Free Oatmeal Recipe

Are you a fan of hot oatmeal? The dish is a wonderful, fiber-full breakfast — unless you're not so hot on gluten. Fortunately, this Gluten-Free Oatmeal is for you! Honestly, whether you love oatmeal or are just getting used to the hot cereal, this gluten-free oatmeal recipe is for you. It's so hearty that you…

How to Run Light on Your Feet & Avoid Injury

Running is one of the best full-body aerobic exercises known to mankind, great for burning calories and working multiple muscle groups. Unfortunately, it also leads to common running injuries, such as shin splints, a stress fracture or a heel spur. The good news is there is new research out that may give runners a guide…

Sarcopenia: 10 Keys to Keep Your Muscle Mass Up as You Age

Most adults achieve their peak muscle mass sometime during their late 30s to early 40s. After that point, a gradual loss of muscle mass begins and can continue a steady, downhill course into old age. This age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and function is known as sarcopenia, and it can happen quicker than you…

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins with 5 Natural Remedies

Although we tend to think of them as a woman's problem, both men and women develop varicose veins — those bulgy veins that appear lumpy and dark in color (usually blue or purple). In fact, according to the Department of Health and Human Science, about 50 percent to 55 percent of women and 40 percent to 45…

Stress Fracture Symptoms & How to Speed Up Recovery

Stress fractures account for over 10 percent of all injuries in sports medicine clinics, and they're some of the most common running injuries there are. In fact, in running sports they may account for up to 30 percent of all injuries. That's because our bones endure stress whenever a force is loaded upon it, whether the…

Crohn’s Disease Diet & Natural Treatment Plan

Have you been suffering from excessive diarrhea and abdominal pain on a regular basis? You might have Crohn's disease. However, there's good news. You can treat this condition naturally with a Crohn's disease diet, along with making other lifestyle changes. What is Crohn's disease, exactly? This inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes inflammation of the lining…

Bruise Cream with Arnica & Bilberry

All of us get bruised every now and then, from the kids taking a fall while playing to simply bumping into that nightstand … ouch! Bruises can be unsightly, and it can seem to take forever to heal bruises. While having a good diet can truly help with the healing process, using natural home remedies…