3621-3630 of 3865 Results

Graves’ Disease: 7 Ways to Help Manage Hyperthyroid Symptoms

Did you know that there are over 80 different types of autoimmune disorders that affect various organs, glands, systems and functions throughout the body? Graves' disease is a common autoimmune disorder characterized by an overproduction of thyroid hormones. The thyroid is considered one of the most important endocrine glands in the body, since it produces hormones that affect…

Turmeric Antiseptic Scabies Cream

Scabies sounds so daunting, and it can be for anyone that has it. Scabies is a parasitic infestation and itchy skin condition in which mites, known as Sarcoptes scabei, burrow under the skin. Scabies consist primarily of the body's allergic reaction to the mites, their eggs and their waste — and symptoms may not appear for…

How Many Miles a Week Should I Run?

When providing running tips for beginners, one of the questions they'll ask is how much to run. Truthfully, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced pro, all runners — or those thinking about taking up running — wonder, “How many miles a week should I run?” According to new research, that answer is surprisingly low,…

Coca-Cola Disbands Sketchy Research Group It Funded

No matter which way you slice it, soda is bad for you. From the loads and loads of research to back the unhealthy claims of soft drinks to the human trial display in the film “Super Size Me,” all the information we have available to us tells us to step away from the diet coke…

5 Ways to Naturally Manage Huntington’s Disease

  You've most likely heard of disorders like ALS, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, but you may not have heard about an equally tragic condition called Huntington's disease (HD). Capable of damaging nerves and disturbing important chemical-signaling processes that take place between the brain and other body parts, some people even describe common Huntington's disease symptoms as…

Homemade Canker Sore Remedy & Mouth Rinse

Nobody likes those small yet painful lesions known as canker sores. Whether you have one on the inside of your cheeks or lips, underneath your tongue or at the base of your gums, I'm here to help you get rid of it fast and naturally with this canker sore remedy! Unlike fever blisters or cold sores (caused by…

Gluten-Free Coconut Flour Bread Recipe

There's something so wholesome about the idea of homemade bread. The scent of freshly baked bread, everyone crowded around the table for a slice straight out of the oven; what could be better? Unfortunately, the idea of making our own bread can be daunting, especially if you're not an experienced baker. Working with yeast, waiting for…

Take Painkillers Often? Here’s How to Avoid Ibuprofen Overdose

When you hear the word "overdose," images of hard drugs or powerful prescription medications probably come to mind. And chances are, you've never even thought about an ibuprofen overdose, but it turns out that not only can you have too much of this relatively mild pain reliever, it can put your health in peril. As the…

Simple BBQ Salmon Recipe

It happens: you've had a crazy busy day and are about to order takeout or heat up a frozen meal you've discovered in the freezer. I've been there — and that's why I always keep wild-caught salmon on hand whenever I need a quick, healthy dinner. Salmon nutrition is loaded with benefits, including omega-3 fats (the…

Curried Cauliflower Soup Recipe

Does seeing "curried" in a recipe title intimidate you? Indian recipes can have a reputation for being complicated or difficult, but most of the time I think we're just thrown off by all those spices we're not accustomed to using. Curry dishes can actually be super simple and quick to make, with tons of flavor…