361-370 of 401 Results

Basil Essential Oil Fights Bacteria, Colds & Bad Odor

Basil essential oil, derived from the Ocimum basilicum plant, is commonly used to enhance the flavor of many recipes today. However, its uses extend far beyond the culinary world. Basil essential oil (sometimes called “sweet basil oil”) has been used for centuries to treat all kinds of health concerns. As a natural anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibiotic…

Benefits of Proline and How to Get More in Your Diet

Even if there currently isn't a standard criteria used for for diagnosing "proline deficiency," certain people can definitely benefit from consuming more of the amino acid. The body makes some of its own proline, plus it is found in "complete protein" foods, but your need for amino acids like proline increases as you age or…

Not Hungry? Loss of Appetite Causes + 6 Natural Remedies

Appetite is "the desire to fulfill a bodily need." The type of appetite we are most familiar with is hunger — which drives us to eat so we obtain enough calories, get essential vitamins and minerals, and experience satiety/satiation (the feeling of fullness during and after eating). What does it mean when you lose your…

PQQ Supplement: Brain-Boosting, Life-Extending Benefits

Tiny but incredibly potent, most people are completely unaware of the existence of the PQQ supplement, let alone the myriad of health benefits that it can provide. Besides bumping up energy levels, preliminary research suggests that this compound could also aid in disease prevention, reduce oxidative stress and even act as a natural sleep aid.…

Should Mothers Eat Their Placenta?

There are always interesting trends popping up in the health and wellness field as we “rediscover” how the goodness in nature can benefit our health. It’s hard to remember that there was a time before kale and cauliflower were in everything or when we shunned coconut oil in favor of canola oil (shudder). But not…

Green Banana Flour: 5 Gut-Healthy Benefits of This Trendy Ingredient

When you see the word flour, it typically means that something has been ground into a flour, either from its original state or a dried state. It is no different with green banana flour. Not to be confused with the plantain, organic green banana flour may be familiar to you if you are always on…

Coffee Flour: the Trendy New Gluten-Free Flour

If you’ve been to a supermarket recently, there’s no doubt you’ve seen the wide variety of flours available. These days, you can get your pick of wheat-free flours ranging from almond flour to cricket flour (yes, that kind of cricket!). Now there’s a new one to try. Packed with nutrients, coffee flour is the newest…

6 Phytoplankton Health Benefits You Won’t Believe (#1 Is Uplifting!)

Derived from the Greek words phyto (plant) and planktos (wandering), phytoplankton are not ocean plants but single-celled aquatic organisms that can be found in both salt and freshwater environments. As the basis for all life formed on Earth, plankton's history goes back more than 3 billion years. (1) These micro-organisms are responsible for creating planet Earth's…

How Sugar Can Cause Cancer

Today, I want to tell you about how addictive sugar can cause cancer. With the number of people getting cancer growing each single year, this is a topic that I’m really passionate about. My mom has gone through cancer twice, and it's an experience I don't want anyone to suffer through if possible. I want…