391-400 of 401 Results

Impetigo Causes & Symptoms + 9 Natural Treatments

Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection that most commonly affects infants and young children. Adolescents and adults with a weakened immune system are also susceptible. The hallmark of the most common impetigo diagnosis is blisters with a honey-colored crust that typically starts around the mouth and nose. It eventually spreads to hands, feet and the trunk.…

Brown Rice Nutrition May Lower the Risk of Diabetes & Heart Disease

In moderation, brown rice can be a very nutritious gluten-free carbohydrate and healthy rice choice overall. Brown rice nutrition doesn't have too many calories per serving, but the nutrient content certainly is up there, whether we're talking brown rice eaten on its own or brown rice protein powder. Rice nutrition is actually an important topic since about…

20 Make-Ahead Freezer Meals that Are Delicious, Healthy and Cheap (!)

While we all strive to have healthy, home-cooked meals on the table each night, there are times when just making it through the day feels like an achievement. It’s those days when frozen meals seem like a Godsend. Thaw, pop into the oven and you have a meal ready, without the fuss of ordering food…

Surprise! Scientists Discover New Organ in the Human Body

Most of us have misplaced our keys or found an item we thought we’d lost forever buried in our closets. But this month, researchers published a new organ study, highlighting something most of us didn't know we ever had — a new body part. Though doctors have long known about the mesentery, a membrane that…

Brown Rice Protein Powder: Lose Weight and Build Muscle?

Protein powder is just for getting fit, right? Not anymore. Did you know that that there's a type of protein dietary supplement that can improve liver and heart function and regulate your cholesterol, in addition to supporting your weight loss and muscle-building efforts? It's time to introduce brown rice protein powder. From hardcore athletes to the casual…

The 12 Best Fast Casual Restaurants That I Eat At

Maybe you underestimated how long a road trip would take, or you forgot to pack lunch before heading to work in the morning. Whatever the case, you might find yourself strapped for cash and/or time, and forced to stop at a chain restaurant. For those of us who enjoy eating healthy, this used to be…

Cherry Angioma Risk Factors, Symptoms & Natural Treatments

If you've never heard of a cherry angioma, chances are you've at least seen one — whether you know it or not. How do I know? Well, cherry angiomas are the most common type of angiomas, or benign tumors, adults develop on their skin. How common? Some evidence shows that by the time someone reaches…

The SlimFast Diet: Why It’s Bad for You and What’s Better

Imagine a diet where you can magically slurp on drinks that leave you feeling full, so that you can enjoy a healthy, well-balanced meal later in the day. You'll sneak in a few snacks, lose weight quickly, feel great and you'll never struggle with the scale again. Sounds nice, doesn't it? That's the fantasy that diet…

Watermelon Pizza Recipe

When you think pizza, your mind probably goes to a cheesy, crispy dish. But what if you want a refreshing dish that's easy to make and will leave you feeling healthy and revitalized? Then you have to try this Watermelon Pizza. I've flipped the script on traditional pizza and created this fruity version. Instead of…

Coconut Whipped Cream Recipe

Be honest: When did you realize whipped cream doesn't actually come in a can but can be made at home? It took me longer than I'd like to admit! It's a shame, too, because the creamy stuff makes every dessert a little bit better. You'll love how fluffy and light this Coconut Whipped Cream recipe…