381-390 of 404 Results

18 Green Bean Recipes, Including Stir Fries & Salads!

Most people don't mind nutrition-rich green beans, but they aren't particularly inspiring. Many of us have flashbacks of canned green beans served at Thanksgiving, limp, overcooked string beans that have been steamed out of all flavor, or beans that taste delicious because they've been drowned in butter. It's a shame, because this budget-friendly food actually…

Deep Vein Thrombosis Causes, Risk Factors & Natural Remedies

Although the vast majority of cases are preventable, blood clots are a serious public health problem that kill hundreds of thousands of adults each year. In the U.S. alone, up to 300,000 people die each year from blood clot conditions called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), formed when blood thickens and clumps together, then travels and causes…

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Chronic back pain is a major problem for millions of adults. It's now estimated that around 75 percent of all people will experience a period of persistent back pain at some time in their lives, and 1 percent to 2 percent will suffer from serious compression of a nerve root — and another 3 percent…

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and 5 Natural Treatments

As I’m sure you’re well aware, an estimated 52.5 million U.S. adults suffer from some sort of arthritis, and one common form is rheumatoid arthritis (RA). (1) How wide does this disease cast its net? Rhematoid arthritis affects a staggering 1.3 million to 1.5 million Americans at any given time. Thus the question arises: Is…

Gastritis Diet Treatment Plan

While indigestion is common for many Americans, particularly given the standard American diet, if you’re having burning sensations in or above your stomach, stomachaches or pains, feeling nauseous or vomiting, or constantly burping, you may be suffering from gastritis symptoms — and that means you may want to begin the gastritis diet treatment plan. What is…

Vegan Banana Cream Pie Recipe

A sweet, creamy homemade pie that's perfect for spring and summer that's healthy and vegan? Get ready for my Vegan Banana Cream Pie to knock your socks off. It's incredible how such few ingredients can produce such a tasty dessert that's suitable for everyone. For starters, you need just four ingredients for the crust, and everyone knows…

Hyperplasia: Separating Fact from Fiction & How to Treat It

There is a lot of information out there about hyperplasia — some accurate and some not so accurate. It sure sounds like a scary term, but does that mean it actually is in all cases? Well, it certainly can be. Hyperplasia, also sometimes called hypergenesis, is a condition characterized by an abnormal overgrowth of cells, which…

Do You Have a Low Platelet Count? Risks & 7 Natural Treatments

Do you tend to bruise easily and have trouble stoping cuts or wounds from bleeding? Or perhaps frequently get nosebleeds or bloody gums? If so, there’s a chance you have a low platelet count. Having a low platelet count — a condition called "thrombocytopenia" — is a problem with normal blood clotting and bruising that results…

Lewy Body Dementia: The Cognitive Disorder You May Not Know About

It's a sad and widely publicized fact that comedian and actor Robin Williams' death cause was suicide, but did you know that a commonly misdiagnosed brain disease called Lewy body dementia (LBD) is said to be the real underlying cause of his premature death? Since Williams' 2014 death, his wife has revealed that his last year of…

Thai Chili Sauce Recipe

Are you having trouble sticking to healthy eating habits? One of my favorite tricks is to use jazz up foods with nutritious condiments and sauces. But forget the pricey bottled sauces — and the accompanying shady ingredients that come along with them — and make your own instead. This Thai Chili Sauce is the perfect accompaniment…