601-610 of 613 Results

Bacon-Crusted Chicken Tenders Recipe

If you're vegetarian or vegan, you might want to surf away from this page now. But if you believe that everything tastes better with bacon, you're going to love this Bacon-Crusted Chicken Tenders Recipe. Now, I'm not a fan of pork, and that includes pork bacon. But luckily turkey bacon is widely available. It's even more…

SCD Diet: Can a Specific Carbohydrate Diet Help You?

The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) is a form of elimination diet that removes many common carb sources — including all grains, dairy products, most starches and many types of sugars — in order to help heal the digestive system. According to the creators of the SCD diet, based on feedback received over the past several decades,…

We Live in the Age of Oversanitation (and Our Guts Are Paying for It)

It’s not uncommon today for people to carry around small bottles of hand sanitizer wherever they go, wash their hands deliberately throughout the day, and scrub produce squeaky clean. Although many of us have been led to believe that all germs are potentially dangerous — and that the cleaner our diets, bodies and environments stay,…

Chocolate Frosting Recipe

When you think of chocolate frosting, do you think of the sugary sweet stuff you get at the store? You know the type: it's delicious in that super sugary, "my teeth are going to fall out" way. And that's before you look at the ingredients list!—No matter if you're topping a cake, cupcakes or (shhh!)…

Grain-Free Oatmeal Recipe

Are you a fan of hot oatmeal? The dish is a wonderful, fiber-full breakfast — unless you're not so hot on gluten. Fortunately, this Gluten-Free Oatmeal is for you! Honestly, whether you love oatmeal or are just getting used to the hot cereal, this gluten-free oatmeal recipe is for you. It's so hearty that you…

Crohn’s Disease Diet & Natural Treatment Plan

Have you been suffering from excessive diarrhea and abdominal pain on a regular basis? You might have Crohn's disease. However, there's good news. You can treat this condition naturally with a Crohn's disease diet, along with making other lifestyle changes. What is Crohn's disease, exactly? This inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes inflammation of the lining…

Gut-Healing Smoothie Recipe

Leaky gut is tied to a range of health conditions, from food sensitivities and irritable bowel syndrome to autoimmune diseases and inflammatory skin conditions like acne. It's why I recommend transitioning to a healing foods diet and transforming your health from the inside out. This Gut-Healing Smoothie is one of my favorite recipes to soothe the gut…

Gluten-Free Coconut Flour Bread Recipe

There's something so wholesome about the idea of homemade bread. The scent of freshly baked bread, everyone crowded around the table for a slice straight out of the oven; what could be better? Unfortunately, the idea of making our own bread can be daunting, especially if you're not an experienced baker. Working with yeast, waiting for…

Salmon Kale Salad Recipe

What could be better than a quick lunch or dinner made with not one, but two superfoods? Enter this Salmon Kale Salad. This recipe takes less than 20 minutes to make and is packed with flavor and nutrients. You've got the outstanding amounts of vitamins B12 and D and omega-3 fatty acids in the salmon…

Paleo Salted Caramel Cupcakes Recipe

Are you looking for a decadent, rich and absolutely delicious cupcake recipe to prepare for your loved ones? If so, look no further than these salted caramel cupcakes that are topped with a creamy frosting made with medjool dates, my homemade caramel sauce, course salt and cacao nibs. It will seriously look (and taste) like…