71-80 of 99 Results

5 Soapwort Uses & Benefits (Cleaning, Skin Care & Beyond)

The soapwort plant is most well-known for creating a foamy lather that has gentle cleansing properties. In fact, soapwort is one of the most concentrated sources of compounds called saponins in the world, which studies suggest fight bacteria, inflammation and have astringent properties. Some records show soapwort may have been used as a washing agent…

6 Natural Ways to Manage Cardiomyopathy Symptoms 

Cardiomyopathy, a condition that commonly results in an enlarged heart and reduced blood flow, affects as many as 1 in 500 adults living in developed nations like the U.S. (1) What can you do to help lower the chances you'll experience cardiomyopathy and give yourself the best chance of fully recovering? Not all cases of…

Keto Diet for Women: Benefits, Food List & Tips to Overcome Side Effects

Far from being a new "fad diet", the keto diet— a very low carb, high fat diet — has been used by doctors since the 1920's to treat patients with serious illnesses. In recent years the keto diet has steadily been gaining more attention, due to how it promotes weight loss by forcing the body…

White Tea Benefits Brain, Oral & Reproductive Health

By now, you've probably heard all about the benefits of green tea. A cup or two per day is said to lower your blood pressure, alleviate inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease and even give your memory a boost. Other types of tea like black tea, dandelion tea or hibiscus tea are also well-known…

5 Natural Remedies for Interstitial Lung Disease

Interstitial lung disease (or ILD) is more than one disease; in fact, this term describes more than 200 different lung disorders that all affect the tissues and spaces around the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs, called the interstitium. (1) Today, ILD is believed to be more common than previously thought. Research indicates that in the…

4 Steps to Achieve Proper pH Balance

Most of us never consider the acid/alkaline balance of our blood, but a proper pH is a crucial aspect to overall health. Many doctors stress the importance of reducing acidity and increasing alkalinity with an alkaline diet because a balanced pH helps protect us from the inside out. Disease and disorder, they say, cannot take root…

11 Juniper Berry Essential Oil Uses + Benefits

Juniper berry essential oil typically comes from the fresh or dried berries and needles of the Juniperus communis plant species. Known as a powerful detoxifier and immune system booster, juniper berry plants originate from Bulgaria and have a long history of naturally helping prevent both short- and long-term illnesses. Juniper berries themselves are high in flavonoid and…

Gentian Root: The Ancient Herb that Aids Digestion, Wound Healing & More

Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a bitter herb that has been used in traditional systems of medicine practiced throughout Europe for over 2,000 years. As a liver tonic and digestive aid, it also has a long history of use in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). What is gentian root used for today? Many of this…

Butterbur: The Herb that Relieves Allergies, Migraines & More

Seasonal allergies are often accompanied by a flurry of unpleasant symptoms. Sneezing, sniffling and itchy, uncomfortable eyes are just a few of the irksome side effects that come with the season. If you're like most, you've probably desperately reached for the antihistamines to find quick relief from your allergies only to experience added symptoms like…