Coconut Macaroons Recipe - Dr. Axe

Coconut Macaroons Recipe

Coconut macaroons recipe - Dr. Axe

Coconut has been around for centuries but has recently gained increased popularity in the media. Coconut has many health benefits and even aids in weight loss and helps to stimulate the metabolism! Experience the full benefit of coconut and satisfy your cravings with this delicious coconut macaroons recipe!

Total Time

20 minutes


48 macaroons


  • 3 cups coconut flakes
  • ½ cup honey
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 6 egg whites
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


  1. Preheat oven to 325 F.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, add coconut flakes, honey and vanilla.
  3. In a separate mixing bowl, whisk with electric handheld mixer egg whites and sea salt until stiff peaks form.
  4. Fold in egg whites with coconut flake mixture.
  5. Drop batter on to parchment paper on cookie sheet.
  6. Bake for 15 to 20 mins until lightly browned.

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  1. Katy on

    The key is to do just what the video did: fold in first one third of the egg whites, then the 2nd third, then the last third. Works out perfectly.

  2. Charlotte on

    I made these by the recipe and they look nothing like the photo or the video. What did I do wrong… They turned out flat and really sticky… They hardly browned… Maybe more detailed instructions?

  3. Olga on

    If someone wants to know how to beat egg whites until hard peaks, here are tips: start to beat them slowly until a foam, add a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of lemon juice; then gradually increase a speed in a mixer and beat until these hard peaks. Actually, you can add a pinch of salt and lemon juice right before you start beating. Hope this will help anyone.

  4. Nora on

    The original recipe did not deliver satisfactory results. However, by reducing the amount of honey to 1/3 cup, the consistency was more firm and easier to work with. I was able to shape them nicely. Also, we used shredded coconut instead of flakes. You have to make sure to beat the egg whites unmercifully to make it as firm as possible so we used an electric mixer with whisk attachments. Now, we are excited to make these again and dip them in home made chocolate!

  5. Tess on

    Followed this to a ‘t’….(yes, egg whites had soft peaks…did you mean stiff peaks???
    My mixture is like soup???? Help!

  6. Z on

    I think is to much honey. Since the coconut flakes are little sweet already. I put 1tsp of honey but the cookies didn’t stick together so end up adding 1 whole egg, 1tbsp of coconut flour and 1/4cup of almond milk to form a ball..

  7. Trudy on

    I followed the receipe to the letter. All the cookies stuck to the parchment paper. It didn’t say to spray the paper. I scraped it all off with my spatula in one crumbly mess…….bummer!

  8. James Carter on

    I just made these and they were fine.

    I think the issue for some people is to make sure you’re whipping the egg whites and they have the salt in them. Whip them really good where it looks like foam and not like snot. (not trying to be gross)

  9. Ivana on


    For those having trouble with the recipe, Dr Axe posted a video on his YouTube channel. I think the trick with the honey is mixing it with the coconut flakes first and letting it soak in a bit. Then it’s like adding drier ingredients to the egg white mixture. I haven’t tried this yet but I’m anxious to. It sounds delicious!

  10. Robin on

    I just made these and had the runny problem that most did, even with nice peaks on my egg whites. I added at least another cup or so of the finely shredded coconut that I used. Might try a medium shred coconut next time.

  11. Corinne on

    These turned out perfectly and tasted AWESOME! Then I partially dipped them in melted dark chocolate. MOUNDS of taste! I LOVE macaroons and am so happy to have a healthy fix. Thanks Dr. Axe.

  12. Joan Griffiths on

    I purchased Edens Gardens !00% pure essential Frankincense Boswellia serrata oil. The bottle says for external use only. Did I buy the wrong kind? How many times a day can I use this oil? thank you for a reply.

  13. Maria on

    After reading the comments, I decided to give this recipe a try with two changes. I substituted the honey with maple syrup and added cream of tartar to my egg whites. I didn’t have any problems. They turned out great. I wish I can post a picture.
    Thanks Dr. Axe.

  14. Marilyn Siano on

    Followed recipe but they broke apart too easily and were dry. I added coconut oil and it helped. Recipe needs some work!

  15. vidaxe on

    Honey, according to ancient Ayurvedic tradition, is not recommended for cooking. It loses its incredible value and even becomes toxic. Please provide alternate recipe using stevia or another non glycemic sugar. I love macaroons!! Thank you.

    • SarahB on

      I second this comment. Honey should not be used in baking or cooking at high temperatures. I am confused why stevia is not used to make these lower carb & also why “egg whites” only? I would think at least 1 or 2 whole eggs would still work with this recipe. I found lower carb macaroons at Sprouts – brand is Hail Merry – but I believe they use real maple syrup to sweeten. Is this bad if it’s still lower in carbs? Still, I’d rather make my own!! ?

  16. Suz on

    I wish it said about how long to mix until the peaks form, whether to mix/fold in/lightly whisk/etc the other ingredients.. It came out kind of soupy, didn’t make as much as noted and took waaaay longer to cook. They worked better baking in silicone muffin cups for about 25min.

  17. Dannette Huth on

    After beating the whites until stiff, I folded edrything else in. The honey does not mix well so it took awhile to get it all even. I added regular honey per the ingredient list, but the directions showed raw honey. Is there a difference? My cookies were a runny mess-even after I added the rest of the bag, 2 more cups of coconut! The pan was a mess since the directions didn’t say to spray it. I ended up taking the first batch out after 15 mins, then put in the 2nd batch for 8 mins. Then I split them all in half and mixed the first batch with the second batch, one cookie at a time. Then I sprayed the sheet n baked them again for 17 mins. They r finally done and I have 24 nice cookies. What an ordeal! It looks like we all had a runny mess! I think you have another macaroon recipe I will look up and try.

  18. CME on

    Just made these last night. I had only shredded coconut and I followed the recipe exactly (except for accidently cooking a little long-didn’t hear my timer go off-oops!) and Viola! Oh my goodness…pure deliciousness-YUM! What a great, sweet treat!!! Thank you for such a good healthier option for a dessert!!:-)

  19. Mindy on

    What a disappointing recipe. The egg whites were perfect until I added the rest of the ingredients, then everything turned to a soupy liquid.
    And this recipe makes nowhere near 48 macaroons.
    Thumbs down!!

    • Lynda Lee on

      What a nice guy Dr. Axe is! Mindy: Martha Stuart would have just said “Well, some people just can’t cook!” :D You have to gently fold in the rest of the ingredients–sounds like you got heavy-handed when adding the other ingredients! :D

  20. Beth on

    I made these and they turned out delicious! I did whip the egg whites to stuff peaks and think that helped them stay together.
    I didn’t read they were suppose to make 48 cookies though and only made 12! I guess each of my cookies are 4 servings!
    Will make again only smaller!

    • Lynda Lee on

      Egg yolks have a lot of biotin in them–egg whites have none–egg whites, if eaten alone, can actually pull biotin from what you already have in you. Therefore it’s actually ok to eat only the egg yolks but you shouldn’t eat only egg whites. Since this is a dessert and not meant to be eaten every day or all day long, you shouldn’t have to worry about losing any biotin; but if you are worried about it; then take a biotin supplement before eating any of them or lightly scramble up the 6 yolks that went with the whites and share that with whoever is eating the macaroons! :D So many people think they are doing good to eat only egg whites scrambled–but if done on a daily basis, they’d be losing biotin–so use the yolk when cooking eggs for breakfast. (I typically fry my eggs in coconut oil and throw half of the white away because the yolk is not only the tastiest part; it’s also the most nutritious). :D

  21. Samiha Fares on

    Being a coconut lover I decided to try out this recipe despite all the negative comments. When the mixture turned gooey I quickly asked the help of my husband, who has a dessert shop, and he suggested adding an egg to the mixture. They turned out to be extremely good but baked for longer, 25-30 minutes instead. Also, I took out the vanilla. Hope this helps :-)

  22. kathleen on

    Well I just finished baking them. My egg whites had nice peaks, I folded all the honey, coconut , and vanilla in very carefully so it would not break the egg whites down. However like everyone said it was not stiff to drop from spoon and stand up. They ran all over. Something is not right about this recipe. I hated wasting all the ingredients so I poured the rest in a pie pan and made a coconut pie. I won’t make this recipe again. Sorry Dr Axe.

  23. Mechelle on

    It says at top the recipe is for a coconut crust pizza but then it shows cookies. Where is the recipe for the coconut crust pizza?
    Thank you for the recipes and good articles!

  24. Sara on

    What can I substitute for egg whites? I have consistently tested allergic to eggs for years.
    It sounds great and I love coconut, so I hope there is a substitute.

  25. Neran Alsunna on

    Hello Dr Axe , happy Love day :) I have a question about the Trapical Tradition Extra virgin Coconut oil , i didn’t find Extra , they are all virgin oil but not extra virgin , how did you find the Extra virgin one ?

  26. Jen on

    The coconut flakes didn’t work well. I’d suggest shredded coconut instead. Also cooking temp too high, my 2nd pan did better at 325 for longer time to dry out the egg, though still not perfect texture.


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