Crockpot Cinnamon Applesauce Recipe -

Slow Cooker Cinnamon Applesauce Recipe

Crockpot cinnamon applesauce recipe - Dr. Axe

This slow cooker Cinnamon Applesauce recipe makes for a great snack! It’s easy to make, high in fiber and loved by all!

Total Time

6-8 hours



Meal Type



  • 10 large apples, peeled, cored and chopped into chunks
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ cup coconut sugar


  1. Add all ingredients to slow cooker and cook on low for 6-8 hours.
  2. When done cooking, mix all ingredients and mash all clumps of apple until desired consistency is achieved.

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  1. Shirley Rubin on

    What is your opinion of ‘baking’ apples in the microwave? It’s quick and the cored apples with a bit of honey and chopped walnuts added to the core, and then sprinkled with cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice makes delicious baked apples in just a few minutes. I do add some apple juice or even water for moisture.

  2. Maxine Haskell on

    I made this wonderful applesauce and it is delicious beyond belief, at least for me it is. The only thing that I did different was to leave out the sugar. The cinnamon was enough to bring the sweetness out for me without adding the sugar. I also left a few lumps of apples which were delightful to my palate. Next time, I was thinking about adding some other fruit to it like pear, apricots, possibly cherries so it might turn out like a compote for a healthy desert.

  3. Leana on

    I never put any form of sugar in my applesauce. I just cook down the apples with some water and that’s it. The apples are sweet enough on their own.

  4. Donna on

    What is your opinion on using honey in this recipe instead of coconut sugar..Also, how do you feel about canning this recipe?

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      There are many different reasons your body could be doing this but here are a few things you could try:
      Drinking dandelion root tea before bed
      Soaking in epsom salt
      Taking 400mg of magnesium daily
      Make sure you’re staying hydrated
      Increase your potassium levels so that your body can flush out toxins and fluids (drinking coconut water is a great option here)
      Go for a swim to get things in your body moving and loose
      Get a massage to help your body flush out toxins

  5. Cheryl Williams on

    You are awesome, Dr. Axe, I love getting your emails, seeing your Facebook post, reading your comments to those who write, etc. I have successfully tried many of your recipes and shared them along with your tips to my friends. Also, enjoyed meeting you years ago at the Conference in Florida for Beyond Organics. Thank you for all that you do to help us live better. May the Lord Jesus richly bless you in your personal life and in your professional life, too. Your sister in Christ…..

  6. Michael Mathews on

    Even the apples are too high in sugar for most diabetics. Also, the recipes that are posted on this website never list the nutritional facts for those of us who need that information. Please correct this issue. Would anyone else like these facts?

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      We are working on adding this feature. Until then, you can get the act nutrition acts by entering the recipe in here:

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      For allergies, I would follow the protocols outlined in these articles:

      • Chris on

        I agree stevia is a great alternative. Some people, including myself, think it has a strange taste to it though. (similar to artificial sweeteners) I think stevia in the whole leaf form is best, and safest. Safest because it does not go through the same processing as the liquid or powder forms. Some of the chemicals used in these processes sound… well, like chemicals. The same is true of processed monk fruit.

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