Superhuman Shake Recipe

This muscle building shake recipe is designed to maximize the benefits of any workout by increasing the human growth hormones in your body. This will directly help build muscle, burn fat and keep you healthy and strong.
- 3 raw eggs
- 1 banana
- 2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder
- 4-8 ounces kefir or raw goat milk yogurt
- 3 tablespoons sprouted almond butter
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ cup ice
- Add all ingredients to blender and blend until well incorporated. Drink immediately.
Please keep comments under 200 characters.
hi can you do a micellar drink for 7 year old
Dr ax I was to increase my weight just alittle by 15 pounds I have an enlarged prostate and taking all my supplements for that but eggs they say yes and know dr warlock dead doctors dont lie said eggs are great dr soloman who studied from paul brag are fertile hens eggs he was an amazing natural doctor what is best sifu Jack kung fu tai chi jkd kali Las Vegas nv I watch all your video s your great
Dr axe how much calories does superhuman shake have plz
Sadly I can’t have bananas they give me migraines. Every protein shake uses a banana, what’s a girl to do?
I have Sibo and some sort of histamine or tyramine intolerance.
I will try this shake and see have it drink it.
Have it, see it, drink it, poop it.
Hello, I would like to know if I can substitute the whey protein powder with bone broth protein powder?
Thank you.
I’m not Dr. Axe, but bone broth powder is not a complete protein needed by humans. Whey protein is a very high-quality protein that contains all the essential amino acids needed by the human body. This shake seems to favor the highest quality proteins, especially since it includes eggs, for the best possible muscle growth.
I would like your opinion regarding the shake I make myself for breakfast. Here is my recipe. I start with a lot of ice. I add 3dark kale leaves. I add 3 different kinds of berries and 1/2 a banana. I add kefir and almond milk. I.e. The new bottled almond milk. I add chia seeds and apple cider vinegar and cinnamon. Then cold filtered water. However I only drink 8 ozs in the morning, because I love coffee and sour dough bread. I usually put organic plain yogurt and add 1/2 a lime. I put this on the bread. I am rarely hungry during the day. However if I have had an active day I might drink another four ozs. I make enough to last for 2 mornings. Thank u in advance
Want to lose weigth and gain lean muscle. When shoul I have my superhuman shake? Before workout, after workout? Or some other time during the day.
And how many shakes per day.
Mostly at night I’m always craving sugar.
Also your collagen protein and broth call my attention. To fulfill my goal which one of your products would be the best combination and the times I need to consume them.
I recommend having it before your workout. You only need to consume at most once a day. For help with products, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team. They will be able to guide you in your selection process based on personal needs.
Dr. Axe, somewhere in your writings I believe I read about certain chemicals to avoid in the protein powders that we chose. Will you remind me of what they are?
I am new to your works and am trying to garner the information that I need. I have been studying what food to eat and not to eat for certain diseases- yes, I am getting confused. I suffer from hypertension, high cholesterol, heart attack that damaged the bottom of my left ventricle and heart disease, Stage three renal disease and fatty liver disease, hypothyroidism, sever gout and spongeoarthritis. I also have had two lumbar surgeries, including surgery, and a partial tear of my right achilles tendon. Other than these, I am okay.
Any guidance to articles and advise will be appreciated. Thank you. Howard Merrell 67 years young
Are egg shells eatables? My teeth’s root are very small and exposed. I am searching for recipes that help regrow bone, because I think that will help regrow my teeth root. I read that egg shell are high in calcium and if is gonna be eaten, egg should be organic, wash well and boiled for 5 minutes. After that, let is cool and can add to a smoothie. What information you have about that?
I’ve just purchased everything I needed for super super human shake!Whats best to use, water or milk if any,and can my wife drink as well.Does see need to drink a shake that’s best for her,if so could you shoot me a recipe.Oh and by the way thanks for what you do and the way you lay it out!
Every thing organic for me is the best deal .e.g meats honey oils butter etc. This Muscle Drink Is Awesome For My husband.Thank you dr. Axe keep informing us really appreciative. May the LORD JESUS CHRIST bless you and family.
Dear Dr. Axe: Thank you so much for all the generous information for our healthy life. My general health was and still excellent until a year ago when I developed macular degeneration on L eye and had vitrectomy few days ago. I like to heal myself best possible natural way and and keep myself in optimum health at age 74. I am using e.o in my daily life
I wish you can help me to make “Superfood Shake”. using your green super food & whey..
What else can I add to this? Cinnamon. blueberry etc. to help heal and loose some weight along side.
What can i replace the eggs with?
I have glumerlnephiritis stage 4 chronic kidney disease, can i use drink this smoothie before workout? Is there any other way to build lean muscle for me? Im 35 yrs old women.
Dr. Axe, I want to thank you for putting this shake out there I use it all the time especially in the morning and I try to get it in at night with eating regular meals during the day but find it to be a challenge and most times can not get three meals in or I not get two shakes in and eat the meals. I do add coconut oil to the original recipe as well with water to thin the shake out some. Thanks again for your help and recommendations to the public!
Hi Dr. Axe,
Would you recommend taking the shake right after the workout as the post-workout recovery supplement? Thank you!
It depends on your goals. You can definitely take it post workout, or in between meals if you are looking to put on muscle and weight
Isn’t raw eggs dangerous to eat or drink?
They should be fine if they are organic pastured eggs
Is this shake to be taken before bed? Is there a different shake for during the day? If you buy organic eggs from the supermarket are they alright raw?
Make sure to use organic pastured eggs. Typically this shake is taken to try to gain weight and consumed in between meals
Hi DrAxe !
Please help to clear this up for me. I was a personal trainer for 27 years so my nutrition background goes back to the 80’s ( boy have things changed) but I am very confused over something I hope you can clear up . I have always been taught that eating egg raw was undesirable for nutrient absorption because the avidin in egg inhibits biotin from absorbing .
Can you shed some light on this please. Dave Asprey makes a nice cream recipe the same way and I would love to try these but I guess my old school info hinders me. Thanks. Sandra
This seems like a ridiculous amount of protein for one meal. My understanding is the the body can only utilize a certain amount of protein per meal. (20-25 grams) This seems excessive in my opinion.
This recipe was created for people who have a hard time gaining weight and muscle and need a greater excess of calories for the time
I just purchased three bags of Collagen Protein but did not get any information with it when it arrived. When trying to find something here on your website, I still had no luck even finding the product. I realize this is Christmas Eve and don’t expect to hear back right away but hope to hear soon. Thanks
Sorry about that! Please email [email protected] and we can help you with that!
I am sensitive (not allergic) to whey & casein… What milk substitute would you recommend best for this recipe. Coconut milk? I am using the RAW brand protein powder (dairy free).
I think coconut milk is a great option!
Can woman body builders /physique in training benefit from this shake? Or any women for that matter?
Husband is 70 and on pd dialysis only weighs 125 weighed 123 when started 7 months ago on dialysis, , he uses body fortress whey powder is their another one that will help him gain more he is always low on protein when test comes back , we do have to watch phosphorous and potassium. If you know high protein that will not hurt kidney dialysis patients please let me know.
I would first consult with your physician and discuss with him consuming collagen for protein.
as a quadriplegic for 42yrs, I am told rolled oats are good to keep the gut mobile.
is not eating the mucelagenous foods going to give me bowel issues – 61 y/o
To avoid constipation, I would follow these protocols:
What do you recommend if you have an allergy to eggs?
Just leave the eggs out
Can this protein be given to a man with diabetes that is only 138lb and needs to get muscles and feels weak most of the time. Also for young adults with ADHD. Thank you so much for all your advise our Holly Father continue to bless you. I really believe that God can heal us with the right food..
Yes it should be fine. For info on protocols for those conditions, check out these articles:
I thought raw eggs have salmonella?
If you buy organic pastured eggs you shouldn’t have a problem
Standard Eggs bought in a North American grocery are likely to have bacteria, this is because we’re obsessed with cleaning things that don’t need it. The power washing of eggs removes the protective chitin from the egg shell which makes them need to be refrigerated & exposes them to bacteria. So like the Dr. said, if you get organic pastured eggs, you’re a-ok, especially if you get them from a farmer.
To add to previous comment, i always thought this may have been too much protein for a type 2 diabetic, in the old version, so i only used 2 eggs and one scoop of powder……..your thoughts please!!!!
That is totally fine. This recipe can be customized to your needs.
Dr. Mercola says adding raw eggs with protein powder can slow down the absorption of the protein. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on this?
There are several studies showing you’re best consuming multiple forms of protein for building muscle. The fats from eggs yolks may slow absorption but that is good except when taken right before a workout or during a workout.
Youve changed the recipe to add chia seeds (awesome) and sprouted almond butter as opposed to regular almond buttet and but eliminated the banana…curious, whats the reason..added bonuses or the old recipe was not adequate?
I added sprouted because they are easier to digest. You’d want to add fruit during the day but if consuming the shake right before bed leave the fruit out.
I typically do not prescribe to the calorie model,but
at just over 1,000 calories, (twice a day?) I think I will leave this shake for the men, plus all of the
other recommended meals I am sure I would be
putting on a lot more than muscle.
Thank you
Is this good for 10yr old who is playing a lot of tennis?
Is this a good idea for women also? Can you boil the eggs too before putting them in? Would it not have the same protein? I am not aware of a health benefit for raw eggs, is there one? Thanks for all your great recipes. S~:)
What do you recommend for an egg substitute if you are allergic to eggs?
You could add collagen and a little melted coconut oil in place of the eggs.
Is there a powder form version that has all of these benefits?
I am using raw protein from garden of life. Would it make a difference if I add that into the Superhuman Shake?
Can I just use almond milk and get the same result?
Dr. Axe,
I was part of a ketotic weight loss study. Sadly the effects of which were a significant loss in muscle mass. In addition, now my base metabolic rate is 1200 calories. Can you suggest ways to increase not only my muscle mass but also my metabolic rate while somehow not gaining fat due to the large amounts of food I will need to eat so as to provide my body with adequate nutrition to enable rapid muscle growth?
Hi Dave,
I’ve been using nutritional cleansing products for a year and a half now. The protein I use is undenatured whey. This is the best protein to use if you want to gain lean muscle since our bodies can absorb 80% of it, as opposed to 20% with other whey protein. Cleansing helps us to absorb nutrients and burns sugar and fat. This combination is great for boosting metabolism and building lean muscle. It would be perfect for what you’re looking for.
Where do you get this type of protein
Contact Courtney at Yes, it says for women, yes, she trains me and gets amazing results. The obstacle your looking to over-come concerning metabolism and food she can help fix.
Trains men, sorry, typo. Not me, she’s a colleague of mine.