1541-1550 of 1562 Results

4 Natural Treatments for Cystic Fibrosis

If I told you there’s a disease that about 12 million Americans currently carry the gene for and that this same disease affects more than 30,000 children and young adults in the U.S., you’d want to know about it, right? Of course you would, and that’s why you need to know about cystic fibrosis. Cystic…

The 5-Step Approach to Effective Guided Meditation

Meditation has been described as being like "exercise for your brain." And while basic forms of meditation can be really simple — for example, focusing on the sensations of your breath for a period of time — meditating is not always easy to actually do. This is especially true for beginners, which is where guided…

Coconut Kefir: The Probiotic Food that Improves Immunity and Digestion

Tabbed as an “it” health food of the 21st century, kefir — especially coconut kefir — contains many probiotic, bioactive compounds and as many as 30 strains of good bacteria that help fight against tumors, bacteria, carcinogens and more. (1) What is kefir? It's a delicious, tangy, probiotic drink traditionally made with kefir grains and…

Do You Have a Low Platelet Count? Risks & 7 Natural Treatments

Do you tend to bruise easily and have trouble stoping cuts or wounds from bleeding? Or perhaps frequently get nosebleeds or bloody gums? If so, there’s a chance you have a low platelet count. Having a low platelet count — a condition called "thrombocytopenia" — is a problem with normal blood clotting and bruising that results…

Uterine Fibroids: 8 Ways to Naturally Prevent and Relieve

Uterine fibroids (also called uterine leiomyomas) are extremely common. In fact, about 75 percent of women experience them at some point in their lives. (1) Ranging in size from a few millimeters, or about the size of a pea, to the size of a grapefruit, fibroids are "the most frequent indication for major gynecologic surgery," according to a report…

Are Your Favorite Eco-Cleaners Toxic?

There's nothing better than opening the door and stepping into a tidy house after a long day's work. But our quest for cleanliness — I call it living in the Age of Oversanitation — is doing a real number on our health, introducing chemicals that can cause cancer, asthma and grueling allergic skin reactions. A Spring 2016 Environmental Working…

How to Treat Postpartum Depression, Which Affects Both Mom & Baby

Did you know that 70–80 percent of all new mothers experience some negative feelings after the birth of their child? It's common for women to experience severe mood swings after giving birth, which are known as baby blues. But when this sense of sadness doesn't go away, it may be the start of postpartum depression.…

Mitochondrial Disease: The Energy-Sapping Condition You May Not Know You Have

There's a disease that's often mistaken for another illness or disorder at first since it can cause flu-like symptoms, fatigue, loss of appetite and other problems associated with different health concerns. But it's much more serious than the flu. In fact, it's a progressive, debilitating disease that affects about one in every 4,000 people. I'm…

Triclosan: Is this Hazardous Toxin in Your Toothpaste?

Triclosan is a "super chemical" meant to fight the spread of germs, but with the emergence of drug-resistant superbugs, the question is whether it really fights the good fight or just creates bigger problems. The answer is pretty straightforward. Triclosan is a major player when it comes to the problem of antibiotic resistance, which is…

Sarcopenia: 10 Keys to Keep Your Muscle Mass Up as You Age

Most adults achieve their peak muscle mass sometime during their late 30s to early 40s. After that point, a gradual loss of muscle mass begins and can continue a steady, downhill course into old age. This age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and function is known as sarcopenia, and it can happen quicker than you…