11-20 of 418 Results

Acid Reflux Diet: Best Foods, Foods to Avoid & Supplements that Help

If you experience acid reflux symptoms — such as chest pains, burning sensations that can pick up at night and disturb your sleep, and difficulty eating many foods — and want to find some relief, you must improve your acid reflux diet and make necessary lifestyle changes. These changes include rethinking how you sleep and…

Pregnancy Diet: The Best Foods & Supplements for a Healthy Pregnancy

Although the importance of dietary and lifestyle habits during pregnancy is well known, did you know that the risk of inadequate intakes of vital nutrients is high even in the most industrialized countries? It's true, which is why following a proper pregnancy diet is so vital. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Family…

10 Foods High in Magnesium

Magnesium plays a central role in just about every bodily process, from the synthesis of DNA to the metabolism of insulin. Health benefits of magnesium cannot be understated, for low levels of this crucial mineral have even been tied to an entire laundry list of chronic conditions — like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, bone-related issues and heart…

Magnesium Sulfate for Both Constipation & Muscle Relief

Magnesium sulfate is one type of magnesium supplement that can help treat symptoms of magnesium deficiency like muscle cramps, fatigue and irritability — plus other common health problems, too, such as constipation. Virtually every part of our bodies — including our cells, nerves, muscles, bones and hearts — require a steady supply of the nutrient magnesium to…

Magnesium Chloride Benefits for Sleep & Depression

Did you know that there are actually many different kinds of magnesium supplements? One of several options is magnesium chloride, which is sometimes referred to as the "master magnesium compound." Magnesium is absolutely vital to good health. We need it to have proper muscle and nerve function. It also helps regulate blood pressure and blood sugar…

Epsom Salt: the Magnesium-Rich, Detoxifying Pain Reliever

Athletes commonly use it for sore muscles while gardeners sprinkle it on plants to increase their growth. We're talking about Epsom salt, of course. Epsom salt has a long history of diversified use and benefits for health, beauty, household cleaning and outdoor gardening.  Epsom salt is a natural exfoliant and anti-inflammatory remedy that can be…

What Is Magnesium Malate? Benefits, Uses, Dosage & More

Research shows that nearly two-thirds of adults in the western world do not reach the recommended daily allowance for magnesium, an essential mineral that plays a role in more than 300 enzyme systems in the human body. Magnesium allows for critical functions like healthy blood pressure control, insulin use, muscle contraction and more. Because many…

9 Signs You Have Magnesium Deficiency and How to Treat It

Magnesium is arguably the most important mineral in the body, which is why magnesium deficiency can be such an issue. Not only does magnesium help regulate calcium, potassium and sodium, but it's essential for cellular health and a critical component of over 300 biochemical functions in the body. Even glutathione, your body's most powerful antioxidant…

Natural Constipation Relief Remedies: Foods, Supplements & Practices

Having trouble pooping? You’re not alone. Constipation is an uncomfortable and inconvenient problem for millions of people — including up to 20 percent of the total American adult population (the number who report regularly suffering from constipation despite making efforts to prevent it).  It’s estimated that constipation now accounts for over 2.5 million doctors visits…

Magnesium Oxide: Effective Supplement or Poorly Absorbed?

Although a diet including foods high in magnesium usually provides adequate amounts of the mineral for your health, certain situations may cause your body to lose magnesium faster than you are able to replace it. For people with certain medical conditions that don't allow for the proper absorption of this essential nutrient, magnesium supplements like magnesium oxide…