281-290 of 402 Results

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Celery

Whether in soups, vegetable trays or topped with peanut butter, most people at least occasionally consume celery in one way or another. That’s a good thing, because the benefits of celery — not to mention celery seed — include that it's high in antioxidants and beneficial enzymes, as well as fiber and certain vitamins and…

Top 17 Citrus Fruits and Their Health Benefits

Citrus fruits are well-known for their signature scent and flavor. But in addition to bringing a tangy taste to dishes and desserts, citrus fruits are also brimming with important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In fact, recent research has found that these citrusy superfoods could offer a range of impressive health benefits. From fighting cancer growth…

Use Antiviral Herbs to Boost Immune System and Fight Viruses

Did you know that there are more than 400 different viruses that can cause infections, including the common cold, the flu, hepatitis, mononucleosis and HIV? Today, many people choose to have an annual influenza vaccination, or flu shot, but research shows that it's not always effective because of the mutating strains of the influenza virus. Luckily,…

Avocado Calories, Nutrition Facts and Diet Advice

With their rich flavor, creamy consistency and buttery taste, benefit-rich avocados are a long-time favorite among foodies. But with a high amount of avocado calories packed into each serving, many health-conscious consumers have called the potential health benefits of this so-called superfood into question. However, that doesn't mean that you need to cut the guac…

Pili Nuts: The Keto-Friendly Nuts that Support the Heart & Bones

Fans of "Shark Tank" may be familiar with pili nuts, a type of high-fat, low-carb nut associated with a wealth of powerful health benefits. Although Pili Hunters founder Jason Thomas was unable to secure an investment from the sharks with his appearance on the show, he did succeed at piquing the public's interest in the…

What Is the Zone Diet? Meal Plans, Benefits, Risks & Reviews

Originally designed to control inflammation by switching up your meal plan, the Zone Diet is a popular fad diet that claims to help slow aging, reverse disease and bump up fat-burning. Like similar weight loss regimens, it involves changing the macronutrient composition of your diet and prioritizing nutritious, minimally processed ingredients like fruits, veggies, lean…

Top 8 Bee Pollen Benefits (No. 7 Is Remarkable)

Did you know that bee pollen contains almost all of the nutrients required by the human body to thrive? That's why the German Federal Board of Health has officially recognized it as a medicine. Bee pollen is wonderful for natural allergy relief and is responsible for the many health benefits of raw honey. It's rich in vitamins, minerals,…

Food Waste Study: The Staggering Amount of Uneaten Food in the U.S.

Despite that about one in eight Americans struggles to obtain enough food each day, food waste in America (and many other industrialized nations too) is a growing concern. As writers from Pennsylvania State University put it, new research shows that "U.S. households waste nearly a third of the food they acquire," resulting in hundreds of…

Tapeworm Symptoms to Watch & Natural Tapeworm Treatments

More than 100 million cases of tapeworm infections occur globally every year. (1) Tapeworm infections affect the intestines of humans and occur when people eat raw or undercooked, contaminated animal foods. They can even affect other organs in rare instances, including the brain. Surprisingly, tapeworms don’t always cause any noticeable symptoms at all. However when…

IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) Guide to Lose Weight

IIFYM is a flexible diet that doesn't set rules or restrictions on your food choices. By simply manipulating your macronutrient intake, IIFYM can help you lose or gain weight, depending on your goals. Not only is IIFYM simple and easy to follow, but it can also help promote accountability and awareness about your food choices.…