791-800 of 1111 Results

Top 11 Fennel Benefits (Plus Nutrition Facts, Recipes & More)

You may know of it as a flavoring agent in sambuca and absinthe, or maybe your grandmother sliced fennel bulb for you as a remedy for gassiness and indigestion. It turns out fennel has actually been used for its nutritious properties since ancient times, and it plays an important role in traditional medicine. In the…

16 Omega-3 Foods Your Body Needs Now

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered “essential” fatty acids because the body isn’t capable of producing them on its own. Therefore, we must rely on omega-3 foods in our diets to supply these extremely beneficial fats. There are actually three different types of “omega-3s”: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The preferred sources…

Vitamin E Oil for Skin & Hair

Is vitamin E oil good for your skin? Vitamin E is both a nutrient and antioxidant with a history of use in dermatology for over 50 years. Scientific research demonstrates that it benefits a number of common skin concerns including burns, scars and wounds. If you look at the skin care products you currently own,…

DIY Moisturizer for Dry Skin with Lavender Oil

It's that time of year when our skin often feels itchy due to the changes in the weather. The cold temperatures outside combined with the low humidity and dry air can create this nagging feeling of dry, itchy skin. There are some amazing natural skin care remedies for solving this problem, including this natural moisturizer…

Changing Diet to Extend Life: Healthy Food Choices Can Add 8 to 13 Years

Dietary risk factors are estimated to cause 11 million deaths annually. Can a healthy diet extend your life span? According to recent research, it very likely can. We've known for years that diets containing plenty of healthy fats (such as from olive oil and nuts), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (from foods like veggies, fruits and…

DIY Face Scrub with Coffee

Getting rid of dead skin by exfoliating with a face scrub reduces buildup of dirt, bacteria and dead skin in the pores and helps eliminate whiteheads. Face scrub, or a facial scrub, is a gentle exfoliating cleanser. It typically consists of small granular particles to get rid of old skin cells. This allows new skin…

Bovine Collagen Benefits for Skin, Sleep & Muscle Repair

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and that's because it's vital to many aspects of our health. Unfortunately, there are many things that can decrease our collagen levels, which is why supplementing with something like bovine collagen is a good idea. First of all, we naturally start to lose collagen as we…

Homemade Anti-Aging Serum

Anti-aging serums can be expensive and contain harmful chemicals. Instead, try this homemade anti-aging serum recipe. It contains nutrients and antioxidants that will help the skin look vibrant and youthful while delivering vital nutrients and hydration. Apply to the parts of the body that you feel needs the most anti-aging effects, which are usually the…