811-820 of 1111 Results

Cook with Cumin Seeds to Help Digestion & Immune System

You are probably familiar with the earthy, nutty and spicy flavor of cumin seeds or ground cumin. After all, humans have been using cumin in culinary dishes since ancient times — but did you know that cumin seeds have also been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, from digestive issues to respiratory conditions? In…

How Pau D’arco Helps Fight Candida, Cancer and Inflammation

Pau d'arco is native to South America, where it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions. There are reports of medicinal uses of pau d'arco tea dating back to 1873, and it was used in the Amazon rainforest as a "miraculous" healer for tumors with impressive anti-inflammatory effects. Pau d'arco, also called…

Top Benefits of Lemon Nutrition (Plus How to Use Lemons)

A lot of people think of lemon as nothing more than a simple garnish served alongside water at restaurants or a popular flavor for candies and desserts. Did you know that the lemon is actually loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants and health benefits? It's true — lemon nutrition benefits range from reducing the risk of…

How to Get Rid of Fungal Acne (Plus Symptoms & Causes)

If you've recently taken a course of antibiotics or you have a chronic condition that affects your immune system (such as autoimmune disease or diabetes), you have a higher likelihood of developing certain skin conditions, one of which is fungal acne. Fungal acne is a bit different than your run of the mill acne because…

7 Borage Oil Benefits for Skin, Arthritis, Inflammation & More

As a common herbal treatment in traditional medicine practices for hundreds of years, borage oil has numerous uses — ranging from treating skin flare-ups to lowering pain. The most beneficial aspect of using borage oil, either topically on the skin or internally in capsule form, is that it has strong anti-inflammatory effects. Borage seed oil…

DIY Turmeric Face Mask for Glowing Skin

One of my favorite DIY skin masks is made using benefit-rich turmeric. Turmeric has been all the craze for dietary reasons but did you also know that it can also help your skin? Turmeric, traditionally known as Indian saffron because of its deep yellow-orange color, has been used throughout history as a condiment and textile dye. Turmeric…

What Are Whiteheads? Plus How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

Whiteheads aren't pretty, and most people make sure to "pop" them before showing their faces in public. Although they are very similar to blackheads, there's something about whiteheads that make us all avoid them however possible. Luckily, there are natural ways to prevent whiteheads or treat them if they're already occurring. Age-old remedies for acne…

Pre-Poo at Home for Hydrated, Soft & Shiny Hair

Pre-poo might sound like something you do to aid digestion, and while it is done in the bathroom, it's a method that benefits the health of your hair, not your bowels. Pre-pooing is what you do before shampooing your hair in order to provide moisture and improve hair texture. By locking in hydration and strengthening…

BMR Calculator: How to Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate to Lose Weight

[mwp_diet_calculator] This calculator is for informational purposes only. You should consult a healthcare professional before making any health decisions. Anyone who’s dieted before knows the truth: losing weight and keeping it off can often be hard. A recent study published in the journal Obesity found that changes in a person’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) — essentially,…

Heirloom Vegetables Combine Nutrition, Flavor, History and Culture

If you have an heirloom that’s been passed down in your family — jewelry, furniture, a piece of art — you know the appeal of things that are comfortable, familiar and reliable but at the same time beautiful and rich with history.  This is part of the allure of heirloom vegetables.  From tender Green Arrow…