Quinoa Porridge Recipe

Quinoa is a special grain that is not only gluten-free but also high in protein! Try it in this delicious quinoa porridge recipe!
Nutrition Facts
One serving of this quinoa porridge recipe contains approximately: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
- 219.5 calories
- 7.18 grams protein
- 35.58 grams carbohydrates
- 3.15 grams fiber
- 9.19 grams sugar
- 200 milligrams sodium
- 1.12 micrograms vitamin B12 (46.67 percent DV)
- 5.53 milligrams vitamin E (36.87 percent DV)
- 400.5 milligrams calcium (30.81 percent DV)
- 2.72 milligrams iron (15.11 percent DV)
- 0.12 milligrams thiamin (10 percent DV)
- 1.95 micrograms vitamin D (9.75 percent DV)
- 393.5 milligrams potassium (8.37 percent DV)
- 0.093 milligrams riboflavin (7.15 percent DV)
- 280 IUs vitamin A (5.6 percent DV)
- 14 milligrams magnesium (3.33 percent DV)
- ½ cup quinoa
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
- 1½ cup almond milk
- ½ cup water
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- pinch of sea salt
- Heat a saucepan over medium heat. Add quinoa, season with cinnamon and cook until toasted, stirring frequently, about 3 minutes.
- Add almond milk, water, vanilla, maple syrup and sea salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce to low heat and cook until porridge is thick and grains are tender, about 25 minutes.
- Add more water if needed. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.
Please keep comments under 200 characters.
Thank you for your recipes . I have made and enjoyed many and can’t wait to try the quinoa porridge. I will rate it after tasting.
Thank you Dr Josh Axe. Very well written!
But could you please provide the comparisons on a “per 100 Grammes” basis?
Thanks again.
Where is the nutritional info for this recipe?
Do you rinse the quinoa for this or not ? Does the maple syrup absorb the bitterness without rinsing? Im just wondering cause i rinse it if i just cook it alone.
I was wondering about that as well.
low magnesium….from a pharmacist
Hi Dr Axe,
Doesn’t cooking the chia seeds for the porridge have a negative effect on chia’s nutrition?
PS: I still find it difficult to believe that after soaking the chia, blending is not necessary to
break open the seeds to get the benefits therein. How can that be?
I just started using Badia ‘Chia Seed” with breakfast this morning, along with my daily breakfast of Quaker Oat Meal with A teaspoon of Flax Seed, 1/2 sliced apple, half of handfull of Walnuts, slice of Smart Balance of soft-butter,with a little milk(2%), 2/3 cup of water, which I heat in my microwave for 137 seconds (HIGH). Tastes great. However, is this “Overkill’ or a needless duplication? I was using Quinoa seeds, but the market was out of the product. However, I did experience a slight headache–right side of head-top, with a stabbing pain. I checked ihe internet for possible side-effects. But found nothing that specifically pointed to that problem.I have a apointment in October. But the headache seems minor, and appears to be slight and ending. By the way, your article is quite informative. I am age 77,male, always been in excellent health, and have tried to eat the right foods. Even foods I hated as a child. I love salads, NOW!
In the ingredient list it lists coconut milk, and then in the recipe instructions, it says to “add almond milk”. So should we use almond milk or coconut?
I noticed that ing: says Coconut but recipe/method says Almond.
I would use whatever milk suits you personally, I was going to ask what type of Quinoa is used as different types I have seen.
I am going to make this with a Coconut and Rice Milk, or Almond milk, maybe make own Almond milk and use this, quick healthier no additives plus the pulp left over makes Almond flour once dried out in a low oven then grind again.
rice milk now shown to have good amounts of arsenic, just like rice
I have made this recipe many times and my family loves it! Thanks Dr. axe!