Doubling as both an important fat-soluble vitamin and potent antioxidant, getting enough vitamin A is absolutely crucial to maintaining overall health. Not only does it play a role in keeping your skin healthy and clear, but it's also a key factor in disease prevention, immunity and even bone health. A deficiency in this vital vitamin…
We all know sugary and fizzy drinks can wreak havoc on our health, and they are found everywhere. From TV commercials promoting diet soda to the enticing menu presented to us at our favorite restaurant, artificially sweetened drinks lie everywhere. The good news is there are healthy drinks out there, even if healthy beverage options…
Curry leaves are a mainstay in Indian, Sri Lankan and South Asian cuisines. There are records dating back to the 1st century A.D. that reference curry leaves and their use for flavoring vegetables. They also serve as one of the top herbs for healing in Ayurvedic medicine, used for conditions such as diabetes, infections and…
Herbal medicine is an integral part of Chinese culture and the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been used for thousands of years, and there are specific Chinese herbs used the most often. The emperor Shennong is said to have tasted 100 herbs, which allowed him to teach the Chinese people how to use…
Although the importance of dietary and lifestyle habits during pregnancy is well known, did you know that the risk of inadequate intakes of vital nutrients is high even in the most industrialized countries? It's true, which is why following a proper pregnancy diet is so vital. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Family…
Carbohydrates are a hot topic in the nutrition world — particularly when it comes to discerning between good carbs and bad carbs. In one arena, we hear how wonderful carbohydrates are for exercise performance and metabolism, and then the next day we hear about a recent study showcasing the potential damaging blood sugar effects of…
How much sugar per day do Americans consume? It's estimated that the average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar every day and around 57 pounds of added sugar each year. Not only are many people eating and drinking way too much sugar, but the use of artificial sweeteners is on the rise too. Thankfully, there…
Keto diet benefits range from weight loss to cancer prevention, and it emphasizes high-fat and protein-rich foods, including these keto snacks. All fat isn't created equal. While our bodies love healthy fats like avocados and coconut oil, a keto diet doesn't mean just eating anything that's high in fat — you still want good-for-you foods…
The human body is capable of using two primary types of fuel: glucose (provided by carbohydrate foods) and ketone bodies (made from fat). When you follow a very-low carb, very-high fat diet — also known as the ketogenic diet — your body starts producing organic ketone compounds, including the type called beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB or beta-hydroxybutyrate), which…