11-20 of 102 Results

MCT Oil Benefits for Weight Loss, Heart Health & Energy Levels

“MCT,” a healthy type of saturated fatty acid, has been linked to several important health benefits. What is MCT oil good for exactly? As explained more below, MCT oil benefits include improving cognitive function and supporting weight loss/healthy weight management. Coconut oil is one great source of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) — roughly 62 percent…

Passion Fruit’s Major Health Benefits, Plus How to Eat It

Most people are familiar with passion fruit juice or purée, but maybe you're wondering, "Can you eat passion fruit?" The answer is yes — and you might want to considering it's a good source of antioxidants, fiber and other other nutrients. This tropical fruit has long history of use in places such as Brazil, India…

Dragon Fruit Benefits, Including for Anti-Aging and Heart Health

Although it may sound like it belongs in a fairytale or story book rather than on your plate, dragon fruit is a versatile, vibrant and nutritious ingredient that's brimming with health benefits. Also called dragon pearl fruit, cactus fruits, pitahaya or pitaya, dragon fruit is a tropical and delicious superfood that can do a lot…

Banana Nutrition: Gut Healer or Blood Sugar Disruptor?

Bananas can be a perplexing food. On the one hand, we know that banana nutrition is high in sugar, and sugar is anything but good for us. On the other hand, we also hear that they are full of important nutrients that can help promote better health. So what’s the verdict on banana nutrition and…

Star Fruit: The Vitamin C Powerhouse that Supports Immunity and Digestion

Sometimes used as little more than a garnish due to its vibrant color and interesting star-like appearance, the star fruit is actually packed with important nutrients and health benefits that make it well worth adding to your plate. It’s high in antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C and has been recognized for its health-promoting properties in…

Papaya Benefits Digestion, Heart Health & More

Christopher Columbus was known to call papaya the “fruit of the angels.” This orange-colored, melon-like fruit is part of the Caricaceae family of plants and grows on the Carica papaya tree. It's native to southern Mexico and Central America but can be grown in most tropical areas. When ripe, it is commonly used around the world…

Mangosteen Benefits for Fighting Cancer & Boosting Heart Health

Most of us know what a mango is and what mango nutrition provides, but have you ever heard of a mangosteen? You're forgiven if you haven't, as this Southeast Asian fruit was banned in the U.S. until October 2007 because it was thought to harbor Asian fruit flies. Thankfully, however, this health-boosting fruit is no…

8 Natural Treatments for Arthritis Symptoms

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 58.5 million Americans now suffer from arthritis. That equates to one in four people over 18 having some form of arthritis! Arthritis is characterized by stiff, aching, hard-to-move joints and bones. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, which affects about 33 million…

Plant-Based Diet: Disease-Protective + Promotes Major Weight Loss

The plant-based diet continues to grow in popularity, and it can be beneficial for helping both children and adults to increase their nutrient intake while lowering excess or "empty calorie" intake. It's been shown that plant-based diets (similar to vegetarian diets in many ways) offer protection against coronary heart diseases, metabolic syndrome risk factors, some…

What Is the Macrobiotic Diet? Learn About Benefits & Top Foods

The meaning of macrobiotic is "great life." The core concepts central to the macrobiotic diet, including the Traditional Chinese Medicine belief balancing yin and yang both within the body and one's environment, date back many centuries in ancient Eastern traditions. Proponents of macrobiotic eating approaches have long encouraged people to eat natural, whole foods that…