221-230 of 648 Results

11 Benefits of Cod Liver Oil: The Anti-Inflammatory Disease Fighter

People living in parts of northern Europe have been using cod liver oil for centuries to enhance immunity and protect them from dark, long winters. They have also used cod liver oil as a natural solution for rheumatism, aching joints and stiff muscles. The primary source of cod liver oil was eating the fresh livers of Gadus morhua fish. While…

Jackfruit: 5 Remarkable Benefits of the World’s Largest Tree Fruit

Did you know that jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world? It can get up to 120 pounds. But it's not the fruit's size that makes it so beneficial — it's the nutrition. Jackfruit is high in magnesium, vitamin B6 and antioxidants — all while offering a low-carb snack or even the perfect vegan "pulled-pork"…

Mushroom Nutrition Benefits: Cancer Fighters and Cell Renewers

When it comes to sticking to a healthy diet, disease-fighting mushrooms check off all the boxes. Mushroom nutrition is low in carbohydrates and calories but a great source of B vitamins, trace minerals, fiber and even protein. Mushrooms are also anti-inflammatory foods, and mushroom nutrition contains high levels of beta-glucan compounds that keep immune cells…

Sprout Guide: How (& Why) to Sprout Grains, Nuts & Beans

Sprouting grains, nuts, beans and seeds has been a common practice in places like Eastern Asian and Europe for literally thousands of years. In fact, different forms of soaking, sprouting and fermenting seeds have been a part of almost every culture in one way or another. Why? Our ancestors understood the many advantages and health…

Green Beans Nutrition Can Help You Fight Cancer and Improve Digestion

Remember when your mom told you to finish all your vegetables? If she liked to make you green beans (and you listened to her), you’re going to be pretty happy about all the good green beans nutrition does for your health. From helping prevent many issues to supporting the health of your digestive system, green…

12 Potential Natural Cancer Treatments Revealed

Have you ever wondered how effective natural cancer treatments can be? Around 20 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was crazy for my family at the time because my mom was a gym teacher, swim instructor and was always considered to be “healthy.” After her diagnosis, she took the advice of…

Saw Palmetto Benefits for the Prostate and Hair Loss

Saw palmetto benefits have been known for a long time. In fact, the saw palmetto plant was used for medicine by the Native Americans of the Southeastern U.S., and in the early 20th century, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems and increase sperm production — in addition to maintaining prostate health. Today,…

What Is Farro? The Fiber-Rich Ancient Grain with Benefits

You’ve heard of common grains like barley, buckwheat and whole wheat, I’m sure, but have you ever tried farro? Chances are you haven’t even ever heard of it, but you should! This impressive grain is beginning to gain traction for its health benefits and ability to adapt to different recipes. In a similar vein as kamut or bulgur…

Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood

Chia seeds are frequently featured as the star ingredient in many healthy eating recipes, ranging from baked goods to protein bars to smoothies and beyond. Why are chia seeds good for you? Apart from offering a pop of flavor and texture to your favorite foods, they also provide health perks, such as helping balance blood…

15 Brain Foods to Boost Focus and Memory

While we’ve always known that what we eat affects our bodies and how we look, scientists continue to uncover evidence that what we eat plays a huge role in the health of our brains. Yes, when it comes to staying mentally sharp and focused, eating plenty of brain foods matters, especially for our gray matter.…