21-30 of 326 Results

How to Build a Healthy Plate

Creating a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. One of the best ways to achieve this is by learning how to build a healthy plate. This concept, popularized by nutrition experts, offers a simple and effective guideline to ensure you are getting the right mix of nutrients in every…

100 Healthy Snacks: Best Healthy Snack Ideas for on the Go

Pop quiz: When are you most vulnerable to making unhealthy choices? A. When you have delicious, good-for-you treats nearby? Or B. When you’re hungry and desperate to eat something — anything? If you picked the latter, you’re not alone. It’s easy to eat healthily when nutritious foods are at your fingertips, but when your only…

Cacao Nibs: A High-Fiber Superfood that Boosts Energy

There’s nothing like cozying up to the fireplace in the winter with a frothy cup of hot chocolate. And thanks largely to this cold weather favorite, we’re all familiar with cocoa and other forms of healthy dark chocolate — but what about cacao nibs? Real, organic, raw cacao is a superfood containing a variety of unique…

Mustard Greens Nutrition, Health Benefits & Recipes

More pungent in taste than closely related greens like kale, cabbage and collard greens, the bitter quality of mustard greens is a sign of their high phytonutrient content. Why are mustard greens good for you? They're are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and protective antioxidants, including glucosinolates and polyphenols, yet because of their slimming calorie count,…

Top 22+ Cooling Foods & Herbs (Plus Benefits)

If you were to ask a practitioner of traditional medicine, "How can I reduce my body heat?" they're likely to recommend adding more cooling foods and herbs to your diet in order to bring things into balance. What are cooling foods, and how do they work? A variety of fruits, veggies, herbs and other foods…

Gastritis Diet Treatment Plan: What Foods to Eat & Avoid

While indigestion is common for many Americans, particularly given the standard American diet, if you’re having burning sensations in or above your stomach, stomachaches or pains, feeling nauseous or vomiting, or constantly burping, you may be suffering from gastritis symptoms — and that means you may want to begin the gastritis diet treatment plan. What is…

20+ Foods That Are More Nutritious Cooked Than Raw

Many of us associate raw vegetables with peak nutrition, but there's a surprising twist: Some foods actually offer greater health benefits when cooked. Cooking food is not just about enhancing flavors — it can also significantly impact the nutritional value of what we eat. While some foods are best consumed raw to preserve their nutrients,…

Orthorexia: Are You Obsessed With Eating the Right Foods?

In today's health-conscious world, many people strive to eat a clean, balanced diet. However, for some, this pursuit of healthy eating can morph into an unhealthy obsession known as orthorexia nervosa. While eating healthy is essential for overall well-being, orthorexia takes it to a concerning extreme. Choosing quinoa over pasta and vegetables over French fries…

Why Minimally Processed Foods Are Better Than Ultra-Processed Foods

Processed foods are a pantry staple in households across the globe. You're sure to find a jar of tomato sauce, some canned vegetables and fish, and perhaps some frozen veggies in the freezer. These are minimally processed foods — not to be confused with ultra-processed foods, the nutritional bad boy on the landscape. So how…

Clean Eating Meal Plan: Improve Your Diet & Health

Notice how in recent years there’s been a growing trend toward eating more “whole foods,” while avoiding things that commonly cause allergies, sensitives, sugar cravings and weight gain? Even many big-name supermarket chains are making a serious effort to clean up store shelves and remove suspicious ingredients from products — such as trans fats, for…